17. The Talks

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"Hey mom can I ask you something? " Miles walked up to me as I cooked.

I nearly didn't hear him because I was lost in my own mind thinking about how I had to go back to work in an hour. Things haven't changed between me and my boss, honestly it's exactly how it used to be and I'm grateful for that, the problem with me is that I can't remember almost anything about what happened that night. I'm worried that I might have said something I shouldn't. Also it doesn't matter what situation it is sleeping with someone you are not in a relationship with will cause some tension to exist between you two but luckily nothing too overwhelming. Either way I smiled at the five year old.

"Of course. "

"Is it bad for two boys to like each other?" come again? I closed the pot and kneeled in front of him.

"Of course not, why would you ask me that? " my smile never left my face.

My heart was racing because he is too young to be having this conversation with me, it shouldn't have to come so soon... But either way I didn't want to screw anything up and I had to be careful with how I'd answer him his questions because this could shape his views for life. He's still very young... Maybe I'm over thinking things.

"Well... You see... " he sat in one of the chairs and I took the one in front of him. " I have a friend and he told me he thinks boys are prettier then girls..."

"Okay? That's fine baby, there's nothing wrong with that. "

"But his parents think that it's not good... Boys should like girls and girls boys... " he stopped talking and I decided to speak up.

"Well you see, back in the day people didn't know what was right and wrong and they had some beliefs that were not right. They thought that a boy should only be with a girl but that's not how it should be. Everyone is free to love whoever they want. "


"Okay. " I said after he didn't speak up. "Why don't you tell me a bit more? " I know my son and there's more he is not telling me.

"He said that... He thinks a (other race) boy is really cute... " I nodded. "But... There's some kids that say he's bad because he's (other race)... " I didn't sign up for this... The sexuality talk and race talk in one?! Someone wished me a bad week...

"Okay... He's not bad for liking a boy, baby, and you know that people who are not from where we live are not bad. They are just people like us. Their skin or eyes or hair color don't matter. " am I doing a terrible job? I'm pretty sure I am.

"But his parents they said -"

"Of your friend? "

"Yeah, they said that he should never like boys and the kids and his parents said he is bad for talking to him... "

"What do you think? Do you think he is bad? "


"Baby? " what's gotten into him? He's never had these thoughts before.

"His parents said God won't be happy if he likes boys and He will punish that boy he likes and that if I don't agree with that God will be mad at me too... I like God I don't want him to be mad at me... " are you serious?!?! And the religion talk? Curse this week I'm too tired for this...

"Look, God won't be mad at you if you like boys or make friends with people who have other skin. "

"But I don't want Him to be mad at me... "

"Do you believe in God Miles? " he nodded, that's good to know, I never forced him to believe so I didn't know what he thought. "What God wants from us is to be good people and love each other, he doesn't care about who we want to marry or what skin we have or anything like that."

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