31. Fear

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"You useless thing! Get back here! You need to be taught a lesson! " he screamed and Miles run into his room crying, he was only three.

"Stay away from my son! " I yelled and pulled him back.

His brown eyes were starting into mine and he grabbed me by my throat pinning me on the closed door of my room. I could feel the air flow being cut off and I brought my hands up to try and get his away.

"Listen here you bitch, your son needs some discipline and since you are too much of a bitch to do anything then I will! " he screamed in my face.

He was just laughing loudly while playing in his room! Is what I wanted to say... But I couldn't breathe and only small sounds came out of me. Fear came over me... Of what would happen to my boy... I heard a strange sound and his hand was pulled away. I immediately gasped for air and saw one of Miles wooden toys fall to the ground.

"Eav mommy aoen! " Miles said and run into the leaving room.

"Come here you fucking brat! " he screamed and run after him.

You'll only get to him over my dead body.

I could barely breathe and was dizzy but I followed after him. I saw Miles from the corner of my eyes on the corner in the kitchen. Just as this asshole was about to turn around the counter to go to him I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be my laptop, and hit him on the head multiple times. I could slowly see the blood coming out of his black hair.

Eventually he fell to the ground unconscious and I stepped over him to go to Miles who was crying. I fell on my knees and opened my arms and he run into them. I was still breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. Miles was on top of a bruise I had but I didn't care how much it hurt. I just needed to calm him down. I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind and my eyes widen. I looked back in fear while holding Miles head only to see Levi's familiar eyes staring back at me.


I gasped and opened my eyes, a tear was going down my cheek. I didn't know why I saw that dream. I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath and noticed the sound of my ringtone. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and saw Levi's name on the screen. I took a deep breath, laid back down and answered.

"What is it?" I asked my voice sore. At least he'll think it's because I just woke up and not because I was crying.

"Did I wake you? "

"I mean it's... " I looked at the clock. "Three in the morning, take a guess. " I could hear Amy crying in the background.

"I'm sorry, but she won't go to sleep and she has been crying for hours and I don't know what to do please help me. " he said quickly.

"It's probably her teeth, give her the syrup I gave you. " I closed my eyes wanting to go back to sleep.

"Isn't that for when she's sick? "

"It's for the pain as well. It's not something strong, trust me, it'll just help with the pain and make her a little sleepy. Sophia recommended it. "

"How am I supposed to give it her? With a spoon? " she was still crying.

"No, syringe, I gave you a few. "

"Are you crazy? I can't do that I'll hurt her! "

"They are not for stabbing. It doesn't have a pointy end it's for pushing the medicine on the throat so it goes down. Just do it. " I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Who knew that the way to get Levi scared is to give him a baby.

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now