16. Night And Day

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Originally the first part of this chapter contained smut but with the way wattpad has been acting I decided to remove it. That's the reason of the title and certain comments on this chapter.

The whole book with the original chapter exist on my AO3 account, you can find the link on my profile in the information thingy, I don't know what it's called.

Please try to understand my position in this and why I removed it... I'm not glad I had to get rid of my work... I hope you can still enjoy the rest of the chapter and book.



I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling trying to clear the image because everything was blurry. The room was dark but there was still light for me to see, it was like someone had pulled the curtains over the window, only the curtains were black or brown. I rolled to the side and my eyes landed on a familiar white wardrobe only I couldn't exactly remember where I had seen it. My eyes moved and I saw on the small dresser next to me my clothes. They were folded and on top were my underwear, specifically my bra was at the very top.

I moved a little and felt my nakedness under the covers and grabbed my bra and let it fall while I was still holding the strap. My eyes widen in realization of the room I was in and looked around only to confirm that I was in fact in my bosses room. I laid on the bed with my bra now tangled on my arm.

"Oh God no... " I whispered and looked under the covers and then pulled them down again. "Oh God what have I done? " I whispered again.

I was praying that this was just a dream or that I did something else that was stupid to get me naked on my bosses bed and that I didn't, in fact, sleep with him. But the feeling between my legs suggested otherwise. There was also another thought going through my mind and that was where I was going to find a job now because I'm sure that I no longer had one.

A pain shot through my head like I was being stabbed and I wanted to throw up so I placed my hand on it. I could feel my body and the marks left from last night, the only thought in my head being how could I possibly be this stupid to let this happen. Just then the door opened and Levi picked his head in to probably see if I was awake or not. When he saw me he opened the door more but stopped when I covered my head because of the light. And from the embarrassment but he doesn't need to know that.

"Good, you are awake, get dressed and come out. " he said and I heard the door closing.

I laid there under the covers for a minute thinking. The weight of the situation came down on me, the realization that I most likely no longer had a job, it was crushing me. It was hard to find this job that payed well enough to have a "comfortable" life for me and Miles, I don't know if I'll be able to find another one...

Either way sitting here won't solve anything, so I got up and slowly got dressed. Slowly not because I wanted to but because of the horrible headache I had that made me want to puke my guts out, I know I don't do well with hangovers so why do I drink? I opened the door and looked in the small corridor, my eyes immediately closed because of the light and I moved towards the kitchen which was the darkest room compared to the living room. It was still bright but not to the point where it hurt my eyes.

Levi was sitting on the table with his eyes closed probably trying to relax his head as well, a cup of warm tea on his hand. On the table were a few toast, cookies and some other things, as well as a cup of warm tea in front of one of the chairs. Levi didn't seem to notice me standing there and I just waited for a while thinking what I could say to save my ass. I couldn't afford to lose this job and it had been what, a little over a month since I started? I just don't know how I could have been so stupid. I took a deep breath and slowly moved in the room as I nervously played with my hands.

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