34. Six

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I was on my knees by the door ready to leave. It was five in the evening, It was hot as hell and I felt like dying but I needed to go. Both me and (Y/N) had the day off today because it's her brats birthday. He turns six and he is really excited. He started going to school last week and today was the twenty first of September. However he's not going to have a big party today, it's just going to be me, Sophia, Liam and four of his friends without the parents because they are working.

(Y/N) gave him the option, either a big expensive party or the ps4 he wants. He chose the ps4, not sure why because ps5 will be out soon. But it's whatever, I'll get it for him next year when more games will be out for the console. Next to me was the car seat for Amy that also had a lever turning it into a basket. I'm going to put her in there to take her down but I was waiting. She was standing using the wall as support and she slowly let go of him when there was no more. I had my arms extended out for her and she was wearing a purple dress with flowers.

"Come on, you can do it. "

"Thata." she said pointing at me.

"Yeah, that's it, come here. " I smiled and she took careful steps until she fell into my arms.

"That's it, good girl. You did so good. " I kept smiling and put her in the seat tying the belts. It's hard not to smile with how cute she is. "Now, young lady, your dress is pretty but your spit doesn't need to be on it. So here's your bib. " I said wrapping it around her neck.

I threw over my shoulder the baby bag and went out of the door holding her chair. I went to close the door but I noticed that my keys were still on the cabinet and I took them luckily before I got locked out my own house.

"Is your dad an idiot? " I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Oh yes he is, he almost left without his keys. " she put her hands in her mouth smiling.

Why do people turn stupid around kids is a question no one will ever answer. But apparently I'm not immune to it because I can turn from the most serious person in the room to an idiot in just a second as long as you give me my little brat. I went down and put Amy's chair on the base that was stuck on my the back seat. I made sure she and the chair were safely secured and got in the car to start driving.

That's officially my life now... Going to kids parties with my own kid. Damn I got old.



I went back in Miles room to see if he and his friends wanted anything else. I wouldn't mind having him invite more people but my car is stupid and I needed to take it to the mechanic. Levi pays well but not well enough and I have other responsibilities that need money. So for this year just four friends and four adults to give him gifts. I couldn't do anything more since he wanted a ps4. Levi did say he could pay for the party Miles wanted but no... Miles has to learn he can't have absolutely everything whenever he wants. Unfortunately I couldn't do both, buy him his gift and throw a big party, I promised next year he could take his friends to any playground he wanted.

Knowing him he will remind me every single day until his birthday. And he seems more than happy with his friends.

"Do you boys need anything else? " I asked looking at the food and drinks he had in his room.

"No mommy, we're good. " Miles laughed and jumped on the bed.

I smiled and turned around to go to the living room, careful not to step on any balloons. I was wearing a dress and I had a birthday hat on my head. I saw Liam and Sophia sitting on the kitchen table and the couch was full of wrapped gifts. Something I learned after being a mom.

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