15. A Drunk Mistake

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A loud slap was heard around the room and Miles looked down on the floor with tears going down his face. My left hand was squeezing his in my pathetic attempt to calm myself down and not do something worse to him. I was pissed beyond belief and I don't even know what I could do.

"Listen here, I want you to go in your room AND NOT COME OUT UNTIL I TELL YOU TO! " I yelled and Miles nodded saying a quiet 'yes mommy. ' and left while sobbing.

I stood up and walked up to the sink deciding to take my anger out on the dishes instead of my son. I was exhausted at this point with everything. With work, with me, with Miles, even with the stupid potato chips Sasha eats at work. I wanted to stop existing for just a few hours and I have only so much patience, so when I come home from work especially after a long ass meeting and my brat of a son takes three fucking hours to do something as simple as to write FIVE WORDS IM SORRY BUT I'LL DO THINGS IM EXACTLY PROUD OF.

I heard the sound of something breaking and I looked down, the plate laid broken on the sink because I had thrown it down. Honestly I felt like taking Miles from his hair and drag him across the room. I need a drink. I left the kitchen and opened my bag taking my phone out. I clicked on the name Sophia and waited for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Hello? " she asked.

"You are alone because Liam is out of town, would you like the company of a kid for the night?" I smiled at no one.

"What? "

"I might kill Miles tonight, can you keep him? I need a drink. "

"Oh, ummm... I think you are being a little dramatic but sure. "

"Thank you so much, I know it came out of nowhere but I- just thanks. "

"It's nothing. "

"I'll be there in thirty minutes. " I hang up and went to Miles room only to see him sitting on his bed with his head down still crying, his cheek red.

I guess I'm a bad mother because I didn't feel the slightest bit bad.

"You will stay with Sophia tonight so if you have any things you want to take with you prepare your things. " he didn't say anything but stood up and took his bag putting in some of his toys.

He can miss school tomorrow I don't care.

I went into my room and got changed into some more nice clothes and went out in the living room when my phone decided to ring. I looked at the name on the screen and took a deep breath to calm myself down. The last person I needed was him but either way I pressed the green button.

"Yes sir? " clearly I did a horrible job at sounding even a little bit calm.

"Bad timing? "

"Something like that? What is it you want? "

"Forget it, it's nothing impor-"

"Just tell me. " I glared at the ceiling.

"Can you come with me tonight? "

"Where? "

"Earlier I was at the meeting with the bank if you remember and the CEO asked to meet me again tonight. I didn't know we would be meeting at a bar so I want you to come with me to make sure I don't agree to something stupid. " a long sigh left my lips.

"Sure, yeah. What bar? "

"Really? What about your brat? "

"My brat my problem, I asked what bar." my glare was now aimed at said brat who quietly put his shoes on.

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