Lesson Two

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You Can't Do Epic Shit With Basic People.

Standing by the edge of the private runway I watched as my families private jet got closer and ready for landing. I had drove my baby to pick up my twin brother and I was more than happy with the work that Chase had done on the car. I also loved the new colour that she had been given. Matt black with blue lights, my baby was an eye catcher that was for sure.

As the jet got closer I squinted my eyes as the wind wrapped around me. My hair was going everywhere and in that moment I regretted not tying my hair up. You would think I would've learnt all the hacks to life by now. First world problems that was for sure.

I watched as the jet smoothly landed on the runway and listened as the engines started to shut down. I could hear myself think again not long after. It was only a matter of minutes before I could finally see my twin brother again.

Looking down at my phone I seen that my dad had tried calling me and that I had missed the call. Riker had also texted me and I opened the message.

-We aren't done, Princess.-

I grinned at the texted before putting my phone back in my pocket, not bothering to reply. I didn't try to phone my dad back either knowing he just wanted to know if I had collected Damon yet.

Looking up I seen Damon walking down the steps of the jet and massive smile crossed my features. I wasn't able to stop it and I didn't want to as I started to make my way over to my brother meeting him half way. Before anything could even be said between us though he gently hit me around the back of the head.

"What the fuck was that for you dickhead." I remarked rubbing the back of my head. It didn't hurt at all but I just wanted to prove my point as I glared at my older twin of ten minutes. If he did anything, it was just to mess up my hair even more than it was.

"That was for not telling me about our real mom as soon as you worked it out you bitch."

Grinning at my older brother I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't angry at me anymore. It was something he had threatened to do in his texts for months and I guess he just wanted to get his point across.

He looked more lively since the last time I seen him. His electric blues eyes held the mischief that made Damon, Damon. For the first time in my life I could actually say I was happy to see that look in his eyes. It meant my brother was back and ready for anything. I couldn't explain how much I missed him and with him here with me once more I knew we would be unstoppable. We always worked best when we were together.

"Ok I deserved that one I will admit. You hid plenty of secrets from me though so I'm just going to call it even." I remarked waving him off like it didn't matter and at the end of the day it didn't. As long as he was by my side again I knew everything would be alright.

"True." He said throwing his rucksack at me. I barely had time to catch it as he made his way over to my car. "Let's go sister we have plenty of people to see."

Narrowing my eyes at my brother for using me as his luggage handler I made my way over to the car. I opened the passenger door that he just closed and I fired the bag back at him. I heard him cry out in pain as it hit him right were a man shouldn't be hit.

"That's for hitting me you asshole." I said slamming the car door closed again. It looked like something's never changed.

As we drove down the road I waited for my brother to recover from his moment of pain before he started to speak. I felt bad for maybe a few seconds but then I quickly got over it. He would probably do something worse to me tomorrow.

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