Lesson Eighteen

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A sharp tongue can cut your own throat.

Speeding tickets were coming my way that was for sure, but what else was new. Looking over at Ace his eyes were pretty much rolling in the back of his head as he fought to keep awake. His clothes were torn and from what I could see not only did he have a gash on his forehead but he also had a stab wound on his leg. One thing was for curtain, blood was seeping through my car seats.

"You look like shit."

Ace managed out a half hearted laugh as he shifted uncomfortable in his seat. His hand wiped across his mouth trying to get rid of the blood from his busted lip. It was no use he still looked like shit in my opinion.

"Don't think I've been beaten up this good since your brother did a number on me."

I had completely forgotten about the big bust up on the football field when Hayden and Ace went to school together. It was infamous and it almost cost my brother any future in the sport at all.

"If it makes you feel any better my brother didn't walk away from that fight as well as you think." It was true he had internal bleeding and had to get surgery. I remember my mom's panic as clear as day. We were all sitting waiting for him to come out of surgery wanting nothing more than to make sure he was alright. No one knew how bad he was apart from my family.

"Oh I knew. That's why I took the fall for that fight."

Silence fell between us, I knew what he was talking about. My brother had thrown the first punch and he should have been banned from the field for life. Ace though had stood up and said he had it coming cause he had been taunting him with stuff that he should never have said. Ace then took the punishment and was never to play football again. He could've been just as big as my brother in the sports world but he threw it away and took the blame.

Ace and Hayden might not be friends anymore but I know my brother could never thank Ace enough for that. It was something I seen in his face every time Ace's name was mentioned.

"You're a lot like your brother you know. Even if you are only half siblings."

"Guessing Riker told you then?"

With his head leaning against the headrest he turned and gave me a pointed look. One of his hands were holding his ribs were I was sure some were broken judging by who he was breathing.

"Once Riker mentioned it to me it was clear to see that you really are the daughter of Blake Anderson and Nisha Brooks. You've got your father's business mind and eye for detail but your mother's cunningness and devilment." He looked at me carefully like he was trying to work something out. "I don't know what side is winning though."

I knew what he was getting at. He was trying to work out if I was going to end up like my real mother and become a problem for him and his brother in the long run.

"If your so worried about me you seem to forget that I was left in charge when your father and brother left the country. If it wasn't for you trying to avoid that responsibility I wouldn't have had to do that at all."

"True, but I knew you were more cut out for it than I was anyway. I never wanted this life that's why Riker is taking over. I just want a simple and easy life, something that I'm not getting because of my family and name."

Ace was something completely opposite from myself that was something I now see. He didn't want the fame or the money. He didn't even want the success, he was a man that just wanted to keep his head to ground and do what was needed and then move on. There was something to admire about that.

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