Lesson Twenty-Four

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Turn The Pain Into Power

Time was key. That was something I was most sure off.

It was now Christmas Eve and their hadn't been anymore moves on any of us by Nisha Brooks. Her childish little attacks had disappeared and quite frankly it had done nothing but set my nerves on edge. I would rather have some sign than no sign at all, she was preparing for something, either that or she was waiting. I didn't know which one was worse.

Looking up at the traffic lights as I sat in my BMW i8, my baby and I was starting to lose my patience. They were taking forever to change to green and there was no one on the roads.

There was something peace about the silence and for once I welcomed it. Madness was one word that came to mind when I thought about my life. In honesty though I wouldn't have it any other way. I wasn't born to have a normal life that was for sure.

As I looked down at my speedometer something caught my eye. 

A red dot of a light. A light that I knew all to well. 

Straight away I knew what it was and it took everything in me not to react. Taking steady breaths and reminding myself how to breath I tried to make myself look as natural as possible. Looking up at the traffic lights I could see they were still red but I didn't care anymore. 

There was a sniper fucking watching me. 

Putting the car into gear a reeved the engine making it look like I was watching the speedometer when in reality I was watching that red dot carefully. The second I moved my car forward would be when he would make his move. 

So I did what any logical person would do. 

I threw my car into reverse and slammed my foot down on the accelerator. My car shot backwards at high speed and with it my heart was basically in my throat. Knowing I had spin my car around I made sure I had traveled at least fifty meters before I even tried. I couldn't risk giving him a spilt second to get the gun in line with my head. 

Then it came. The shot that shattered through my car window. I felt nothing and I wasn't even sure if I had been hit, pure adrenaline was running through my body at the sound of the gun shot. 

Spinning my car around I heard another shot being fired over the sound of my own tires screeching along the road. I didn't dare look at even what direction the bullet had come from as I started to make my get away. Knowing I needed to get of the main road and quick I started to drive down the many alleyways in the City. 

Taking a moment to look to my right I seen the bullet had smashed through the passenger window. My breath caught in my throat as I looked to the left and seen that had went straight through the window on my side. I could've been dead right in this moment. 

The panic was quick to leave though and it was replaced with total and utter rage. Nisha Brooks had just made the wrong move. She hadn't made an aim to kill Ace or my brother in her childish attacks but that bullet was aimed straight for me. That was no warning shot. That bullet had one job and it was to make sure I didn't see the light of day again. 

Turning another corner and driving straight for another narrow road I seen three SUV's up ahead. There was something else that caught my eye first though. A slim figure standing in the middle of the road without fear or worry. I had a moment of thought of just slamming my car into them all. Even I wasn't that crazy. Yet. 

Nisha Brooks stood there looking straight as my car as I got closer. 

She was standing in front of the cars with her men surrounding her. Christmas Eve just got a whole lot more interesting that was for sure and it was only one in the morning. 

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