Lesson Fourteen

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Sometimes It's Not About Who Has More Talent. It's About Who Wants It More.

Three days later I'm finally back home. I spent some time with Hayden catching up with him. Well that's what he thought anyway. I was making sure Holly hadn't got into his head about Emily. I couldn't have this messing with him, not when he had a career to think about.

We had made a deal that I would help him out trying to find Emily. Of course I agreed but even I didn't know if that was something I could do. When she first disappeared my brother had hired the best investigators to try and find her but there was no such luck. Unless she had gotten careless with her time in hiding I doubt anything will have changed. I couldn't say no to him though and I did want him to find her. He deserved the family life that none of us will probably have.

Getting home there was one thing off about the place. The paparazzi were lined up outside our gates and I knew this had something to do with Holly. There was no way she was going to leave or little encounter between us. She wanted revenge for what she thinks we have done to her cousin. I knew nothing we said was going to change her mind so there was no reason to even try and contact her. It was for that reason I hadn't looked at the news in the time I had been with Hayden. What ever she threw my way could wait until I was home. So now it was time to face the music.

Walking in through the front door I didn't even get a chance to close the door before my father was shouting my name. The guards must have told him I was back. Traitors. I had asked them not to tell him. I was going to do the whole teenage avoiding thing for as long as possible. Clearly that didn't happen.

"Lyra! You better get your ass into this family room right now before I hunt you down!!"

He didn't use my full name. That was a good sign and I let out a slightly sigh of relief. I didn't let my guard down though. He was famous for letting us think we will get off little then pulling the rug from under us. The man had learnt all the tricks off raising the five of us.

Walking into the family room I seen my father standing there with his arms crossed and his stern eyes on me. It was clear he had been waiting on my arrival. Cause he was meant to be on a business trip right now. I would know cause I got his assistant to send me his schedule before I planned on coming home. It was another reason I stayed away for so long.

I noticed Damon sitting at the far side of the room grinning ear to ear. It was clear he was keeping a low profile just so he could watch what was about to go down. He was also a traitor.

"Do you have any idea what the news is talking about?" My father's voice was short and sharp and there was no room in it for arguments. It was a hint that I needed to behave myself or he was probably going to murder me.

"I'm actually not lying when I say this but no I don't know what is being said. I've avoided them for the last three days for this reason."

He thought I was lying, I could see it written all over his face. He could think what he wanted though cause it was the truth. I was many things but I wouldn't lie about something like this when it was obvious I should know.

"Holly has told the whole world about the five of you. Those little secrets you have all tried to keep under wraps. They are now in the open."

I frowned at my dad not sure what secrets he was on about. "You're going to have to give me more information here. We have loads of secrets."

This time it was my brother who spoke in my father's place.

"She told them about how Alex got done for underage drinking and drunk driving when he was 17. About how our family paid off the justice system to keep it under wraps."

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