Lesson Forty-Two

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Don't Trust Words, Trust Actions.

"How far is the drop?"

"Far enough." Riker came back from the window looking around him once again his cloud grey eyes taking in everything around him. He was looking for something that would break our fall but in this empty room he wasn't going to find anything.

Sensing one of the men starting to move I brought the broken leg of the chair down on the back of their head knocking them out once again. My head was still spinning but there was enough going on in the moment to not think about it to much.

"You always have such a evil glint in your eyes when you do something like that." Riker was giving me a grin of his own as he shook his head looking out the window once more. I couldn't help but smile at him, I wasn't going to lie there was something satisfying about it. All of us had that dark side to ourselves and when you have been in these situations enough like I have you kind of learnt to just embrace it. I wasn't innocent and I would be the last person to try and say I was.

The sound of running and shouting caught our attention. The rest of the guards must have caught on to the situation that we had caused. That window was our only ticket out of here and maybe we could have snuck out of here without drawing attention so quickly. The fact was we wouldn't haven't gotten far without weapons and with none of our own we had make a scene to get what we needed.

I'd rather have less time to run than be defenseless but everyone would have their own opinion on that.

Riker didn't think twice before he jumped out the window which meant I wasn't left with much choice but to do the same. Though if I was honest I would rather take my chances of getting a broken leg over facing the amount of guards probably heading our way. I was good but I wasn't that good.

Without thinking twice I jumped out the window, Riker was there to help break my fall and for a second I was thankful for it because my head started to spin once more. This was defiantly something I was going to feel tomorrow when everything was done and over with. That was if I lived to see tomorrow.

"Shit." I mumbled grabbing my head.

Riker let me go and started to look around him, something must have caught his attention because he grabbed my wrist and started to drag me behind him.

Then I seen it, a motorbike.

Now I was skilled with a car, give me a car and I could get us out of most situations but a motorbike was another thing altogether. I could drive them no problem but I never had any interest in them, they were always more my older brother Chase's thing. He was the only reason I knew anything about them. I could even build them from scratch like a car but they weren't as fun in my eyes.

Riker though swung his leg over the seat like he had done a thousand times before and I was starting to think that there was things that I didn't know about him. There was always going to be secrets between us though that was something that the two of us would just have to face facts with. Maybe it was for the best as well. There's loads of things I wouldn't want others to know about me.

Not having time to ask questions I got on behind him putting on the helmet he threw my way. Holding on to him with one arm I held the gun in the other ready for what ever might happen. I could feel his racing heart under my touch and for the first time I noticed that Riker wasn't calm. His face told one story but his body was telling me another. For a second I thought he didn't believe we would actually get out of this.

The sound of the doors closing made me turn around and I watched the guards get into their cars their eyes focused completely on us. For a moment I doubted what Riker was doing. He should've gotten us one of the cars but he made a choice, a choice I wouldn't have made but I quickly got rid of the doubt in my head. I trusted Riker and if he thought for a second this was the better option then I was going to trust him on it.

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