Lesson Forty-Five

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Forgive Yourself For What You Didn't Know. 

"You lot should go first, I don't think we need the kids to see this." 

As soon as the plane landed back home I seen them. Police had lined the runway and the first face that I notice was Davis. He looked like a man who had just won some kind of war and maybe he had. The grin on his face couldn't be matched and for once I let him have the moment. He might have won this round but there would be plenty more and next time I would make sure to not forget any little detail. 

Riker had let me forget about his bail just so he could make sure he would be coming with us. Even if he did remind me, right now I don't think there was anything I could've said or done that would've gotten him not to. It wasn't like I would've ratted him out for anything just to make sure he stayed in the country. Maybe that was something I needed to work on, how ruthless I could actually be. 

From the corner of my eye I watched as Riker gave his sister one final hug along with Jake and Evie. When Riker pulled away from the kids he gave my brother a punch in shoulder as Damon walked over to the door to help Emily and Ashton. The two of them showed a look off knowing before my brother left with the others. Zane gave Riker a nod in acknowledgment before also going through the door. The two of them seemed to have some sort of understanding and right now it was probably the best that they did. 

Soon it was just me and Riker left on the plane buying time to let the others leave without seeing what was going to happen next. Looking back out the window I watched Davis tell his men to let the others past. He exchanged words with my brother who stopped in front of the man. For a moment I was worried my brother would do something stupid when he got up in his face. After what looked like a few harsh words from Damon he moved on and I let out a breath I didn't even notice I had been holding. 

"Your brother will be fine." My eyes snapped back over to Riker who had also been watching the exchange. "They have nothing on him or any of them for that matter and I plan on keeping it that way." 

"I hope you know what you're doing." 

Riker looked amused as he made his way over to me pulling me into a hug. Wrapping my arms around him I took him all in. Closing my eyes I tried to memorize how his body felt against mine knowing it would be a well before we would come face to face like this again. 

Being who I am I've traveled the world and seen the most beautiful sights in the world can hold. I've experienced things that most people can only imagine in their dreams and then some. I've met some of the best and craziest people you could ever imagine. Right here, right now though in his arms was something I could never compare to anything else. It felt like home. 

"I'll be fine." Disappointment flooded over me and for the first time I let him see that vulnerability in my eyes. It shocked me how easy it was for me to let him see that. "Trust me I'll be kept busy I need to do this. Even in there I have business to attend to." 

"Only you could find an up side to all this." A small laugh let lose from my lips and I dropped my hands from around his waist. 

"I'll probably have an easier and stress free time in there than out here watching what ever shit you'll be getting yourself into next." 

"Here I'm planning on conquering the world while you're gone." I joked making light of the situation. It was what we needed in this moment our life was full of to many serious moments. 

"You might be joking but I kind of believe you will." It was there on his face, he believed those words that he just spoke. He believed in me more than most and in this moment he made me actually believe that the words I spoke all the time weren't just big words. 

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