Lesson Twenty-Six

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Some Days You Wake Up And You Never Understand How You Will Do It. In The End You Still Get It Done. 


The burning sensation it was bringing to my throat was enough to wake me up from my past out state. The sharp pain of the bullet wound shot through my body as a reminder of what had happened, a reminder that I would preferred to have been a nightmare. This was no nightmare, this was my reality and it was starting to hit me hard. 

My whole body was screaming out in pain and for once in my life I was scared. I was scared to open my eyes to the sight that would be in front of me. I could feel the panic run through my veins, like the very blood that ran through them. It has been a long time since I had felt such fear. I had spend so long pushing that very emotion to the back of my brain I had managed to forget that it even existed. It did, and it was back to make up for lost time. 

Like a little child I refused to open my eyes but I knew I was going to have to do just that to see what type of situation I was in. To see what type of situation I had to face and I knew it wasn't something I was going to like. It was either sit here and act like a child, or probably die. 

I knew I was going to have to take my chances. 

The smoke seemed to get thicker and it was making it harder to breath. I could feel my lungs struggle for air and with that realisation hitting the back of my mind my eyes snapped open. It could everything in me not to scream. 

The front of my baby, my BMW i8, the very first car my father had ever gotten me, was on fire. 

Panic set through my body even more than it had ever had before. Struggling in my seat I could see that my hands were tied together with tape along with my feet. The seat belt was also placed around me making it out that I had been driving the car. They had gone through with what my mother had told them to do. They were trying to fake my death with a car crash. Everyone would believe it, that was for sure. Everyone but my family and friends and that would start a reckless war with the very woman that but me in this situation. 

I didn't have time to think about this stuff, I needed to get out of here and I needed to get out of here quick. Not having much time I started to work on the tape around my hands. Bringing my hands up to my face I started to peel away at the tape with my teeth. The pain in my stomach was still there but it had been put to the back of my mind with the sight of the fire burning higher and higher. 

My hands were getting soaked with my own sweet from the heat from the fire and tears. Tears that were falling down my face uncontrollably but not once did I make out a sound. This was not the time to cry or the place. Panic had already taken over me I couldn't let myself fall so deep that I couldn't think straight. It was pure adrenaline running through my body as I kept my eyes focused on the fire. 

Finally I was able to free my hands. They were raw red for the tightness of the tape and pins and needles started to make there way into my hands. The blood flow had been completely cut off to my hands and as I tried to open my car door I realised just how cold they were even in this heat. 

The car door wouldn't open. 

"No, No, No..... FUCK!" I screamed out as I tried to the door multiple times. I even leaned over and tried to the passenger door. Nothing. They had completely trapped me in my own car. Running my hands over the steering wheel to try and get some power to the engine to the open the doors. Something that unique to my cars that let us turn then on with a finger print. In the end nothing happened. Wasn't expecting anything to happen with that one, seeing as the front of the car was basically gone. It was a long shot at best. 

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