Lesson Twenty-One

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You Will Always Be The Angel To Some, And The Devil To Others

I could feel his racing heartbeat under my fingertips and I couldn't help but grin into the kiss. There was nothing more powerful in this world than knowing you can bring a man to his knees. More so if that man was Riker Kennedy.

"Stop it." He said moving away from my mouth and making his way down my neck. I could feel every kiss he left and how it made my skin burn at the touch. I couldn't get enough of it but there was something I always took pride in. Having control in this situations, I knew how to play a man better when it came to these games.

"Stop what?" I whispered in his ear as I buckled my hips against his. I could hear him suck in a breath as I hit just the right spot. I was currently straddling him on my bed as the party my father had thrown for me continued down the stairs.

"Stop being such a tease."

I looked at him through my lashes and could see how his grey eyes had completely clouded over. There was something possessing him right now and I loved it. I loved the look in eyes, how I was basically being hunted down like a deer as he gripped my hips even tighter than before and I welcomed the slight pain.

"I don't know what your talking about."

I could feel his hands slip their way up my dress pushing it up as he did so. Soon enough I was sitting on top of him in just my panties and bra. He took in every inch of me and there was not one innocent look in those eyes of his. He knew what he wanted and nothing brought me more pride than that.

"That's rude, that was my dress." I remarked as looked down at the discarded piece of clothing on the floor. I had a pout on my face but I was anything but upset.

He just rolled his eyes at me "Shut up, Princess."

He grabbed me by the back of the neck and flipped us over letting me wrap my legs around his waist. His mouth soon crashed back to mine and I could feel my hands roaming around his chest unbuttoning his shirt. As soon as it came off I let my nails trail the detail of his tattoos on his chest. I don't think I've ever heard a more pleasing sound come from someone's lips.

I started to trail my fingers down his stomach and then along his waist band of his trousers. Before I started to undo the button. Then came the sound neither of us wanted to hear.

His phone started to ring.

This time he groaned in annoyance and I couldn't help but let out a laugh at his frustration as he glanced at the device sitting on my bedside table.

I could see the confection in his eyes as he glanced at his phone and then back at me letting his eyes trail down my body. He closed his eyes letting almost a pained look cross over his features before the annoyance took over.

"I swear to god someone better be dead."

He might have mumbled the words under his breath but I heard everything loud and clear. It made me let out another laugh as I watched him climb off me and reach over to his phone.

I couldn't help watch how the muscles on his back were tense and I would be lying if I said I didn't get turned on at the sight of a very shirtless Riker.

"What?" He all but snapped down the phone at he answered it. He watched me shift slightly on the bed so that I was resting on my knees giving him a curious look. I knew I would be driving him crazy sitting like this. I could see his eyes glance from my chest to my legs.

"What does it matter where I am?" There was more silence before he spoke again. "I don't see what that has to do with me." I could see the annoyance growing second by second at the person on the phone. "Look fine I'm coming down now." He hung up the phone and ran his hands through his hair.

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