Lesson Twelve

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If You Can't Handle The Stress, You Can't Handle The Success.

Sitting at the lunch table I watched as Sky and Jake say across from me talking about some new nightclub that had just opened.

"You want to go Lyra?" Asked Sky as she looked at me with a pleading look. That look was the reason we ended up in Anarchy and got shot at months ago. That look of hers was going to get me killed one day.

"As much as I would love to, I can't. Hayden rang earlier and needs my help with something. I'm flying out to California after school."

"Really?" Asked Jake looking curious about what was going on. "What's wrong with him? What has he done now?"

Even my best friend knew that my brothers always seemed to attract trouble. Even though this time it wasn't fully his fault. Well it kind of was, he should've knew who she was from the get go. He was a NFL player after all, he should know who all the reporters are.

"Something about some crazy bitch that won't leave him alone. He'll be fine, I just need to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy and drop our family in it too."

My friends nodded understanding where I was coming from. It was easier in my family just to fix problems myself. More so when it came to my brothers. If our father got involved things would get out of control quickly. Our dad wasn't the cleanest at fixing problems.

"Is Damon going?" Asked Sky clearly wondering if she would have to be away from her new play buddy for the next day or two.

I gave her a knowing smile but didn't say anything about that. I was torturing her enough about there set up at the moment that I had give the girl a break. "No I'm just going, it won't take long to fix. I just need to work out how I'm going to go about it."

"You seem to be fixing a lot of problems this day, Princess."

Looking over my shoulder I noticed Riker with his phone in hand. It looked like I wasn't the only one who was dealing with problems today. Judging from the way his jaw was sharp and his eyes clued to his phone as he sat down. Who said boys couldn't multi task cause judging from his focus on his phone and him overhearing our conversation, he could do it fairly well.

"What can I say. When you're good at fixing things, you get everyone else's problems as well."

Pulling out my own phone I texted Zoe asking if she could find out anything for me on Holly Bates. I needed something on her head if I was to go in their with my own reputation on the line and my families.

This girl might be crazy like my brother said but I knew she was smart. She knew her stuff about all of us, that was something I couldn't mess around with without a plan. A plan to make sure she stays down.

"How did Hayden even get himself in that situation?" Jake asked as he started to dig into his food.

"God knows. He's in the spotlight probably more so than the rest of us because of his job. The bitch probably thought he would be easiest one to get in connect with and get information from." I turned my noise up in disgust as I watched Damon walk over the table stuffing his face with food before he had even reached us.

"Didn't your brother have a high school girlfriend for like 4 years before he became a professional?"

I nodded at Sky's question showing she was right but not wanting to get into it anymore. Emily was my brothers girlfriend for a long time but she was from a hard background unlike us. She left him when the professional teams had their eyes set on him before he ever went on to collage. Of course they had a few years to wait before they could get their hands on him it didn't matter. They all wanted to be the one to sign him when the time came.

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