Lesson Nine

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Just Win.

"What are you doing up so early?"

My father gave me questioning look as he sat at the end of the dinning room table with his breakfast sitting in front of him. One of the maids were pouring his morning coffee in the background. That sight had made me frown, my dad always made his own coffee. It had been a few weeks since I seen him, he had been flying around different countries on business deals. Soon enough that would be my life and in honesty, I couldn't wait for it.

That life of never knowing if you were coming or going.

"Let's just say I can't wait to get to school today." I kissed my father on the cheek and thanks the maid who sat down my breakfast on the table.

"Right." Said my father sitting down his paper. "What have you done?"

"Why do you always assume I've done something? You do know Damon lives in this house too?"

"Yes and I also know that your never happy about going to school unless it's one of two things. One, you have caused trouble and are waiting for the aftermath or two, you're going to cause trouble. So which one is it today?"

I sent my father a grin knowing he had guessed it right on the first go. Parents always knew the worst in their children that was for sure.

"First one, maybe both haven't decided yet on that last one."

My father sighed and picked up his newspaper once more. "I would say to behave and give you a whole lecture but what's the point. Just don't bring it to the business."

"Of course not, it's just childish high school drama." I said waving him off as I dug into my food once more.

A few moments of silence past between us before Damon walked in with Sky looking tired as hell. I gave them a knowing look as Sky stood behind Damon's back hiding her flushed cheeks.

After the plan last night Damon and Sky never returned home. I rang Jake and he said the two of them had went off somewhere together, something about the log cabin.

"Well, well don't the both of you just look like crap." Then I gave my best friend a cheeky grin before I spoke once more. "Sky your cheeks are glowing this morning, have you put something new on."

My twin brothers electric blues eyes narrowed at me but I paid no attention to it. He does the same to me when I do shit like this.

"Father." I turned towards are dad with the best polite voice I could muster. "Do you think something is going on here." I said pointing my finger at my brother and best friend. "Cause it looks oddly suspicious don't you think?"

"Lyra, stop trying to whined your brother up. I already know about the two of them, Richard told me a while ago." Our dad didn't even look up at his paper as I spoke and my face dropped. I hated when my fun got spoilt and this time it was Richards fault.

"Looks like that backfired." Damon grinned as he stop down beside me and grabbed a piece of my bacon. A smile of victory on his face.

"While we are on that matter though Lyra what is going on with you and Riker Kennedy."

Damon started to choke on my bacon that he was eating and I honestly hoped he died from it. Cause this had completely backfired on me and Damon was never going to let live this down. There wasn't many people who could get one over on me like that but my father was one of them. He had just done it and I honestly didn't know how to respond.

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