Lesson Forty-Four

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Be Obsessed With Your Own Potential

"What the hell happened to your face?"

My brother took the seat across from me as we strapped ourselves in on the plane. We were already in the air and putting everything down there long behind us. In reality I knew it wasn't over Nisha wouldn't stop at just this but I didn't want to let myself think about it right now. My body was starting to cry out in pain now that the adrenaline was wearing off. My head was killing me and my side where the stiches where that still hadn't fully healed.

From just what I could see my body had a number of cuts and bruises forming and I was dreading looking in the mirror for the first time. There was fresh marks on my wrists from were I was tied and don't even get me started on my legs. Knowing I had to clean up soon before we landed I let myself close my eyes for a second but I still spoke to my brother.

"It's not my face I'm worried about. I seen my car, it has some serious damage on the drivers side. I had to climb over to the passenger seat to get out. Which wasn't easy might I add when this thing was taking off."

Damon scoffed but I could see him studying me carefully making sure I was still in one piece. I let him reassure himself without a comment from me, cause I had done the same to him when we first got on the plane. I would never forgive myself if something had happened to him.

"Only you would be worried about that car right now. I say crush it and be done with the thing."

I opened my eyes just to roll them at my brother. "Just because you don't know how to appreciate a classic."


Snapping my eyes over to the sound of the voice I seen Emily standing there with Ashton clinging to her leg. The boy looked terrified as he looked around him and my eyes softened at the sight of him. He had been through so much and right now he was stuck on a plane with a bunch of people he didn't even know. Just looking at him I could tell he was Hayden's kid without a thought, he looked just like he had when he was little.

"Lyra, I don't know how I can ever repay you." Looking up at Emily I wasn't going to lie and say the girl didn't look like a mess but I couldn't say I looked much better. Her eyes were puffy and red and she looked completely stressed out. "You risked everything for us."

Taking the belt off I stood up using the back of the seat to keep myself steady.

"Of course I did. You're family Emily even if you don't want us to be. You and Hayden are endgame and we all know it and I might not know what happened to make you leave but I know you probably thought you were doing what was best." I gripped the back of the seat harder as a wave of dizziness came over me. "Because we both know you wouldn't have left Hayden without being made to."

"She threatened me." I knew who she was talking about without even her saying a name. Emily's voice was so quite as she spoke I was surprised I heard her at all. "She told me she would take Hayden's career away from him. She said she would come after you all and a whole lot of other things."

Reaching out I hugged her. She didn't need to tell anything. I already guessed and I didn't need her thinking about stuff that no longer mattered.

"It's fine." Smiling at her I then leaned down and looked at Ashton who was watching everything carefully. He seemed to warm up to me when he noticed his mom embracing me in the hug. "I hear you were very brave through everything."

"Mom said you're a good person." His voice was low as he spoke behind his hand and he looked up to Emily.

I let out a laugh and looked behind me at Damon who also had a soft look on his face as he watched Ashton.

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