Lesson Sixteen

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Heyyyyyy everyone. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to get this next chapter up I've just had so much going on lately pleassseeee forgive meeeeee. By the way if you have anything inspiring or lessons you have learnt over the years please let me know cause I want to put them at the top of my chapters. I really want you guys to get involved. Love you loads........xxxxx

P.S please forgive any mistakes. I just really wanted to get this chapter up for you. You have all waited long enough and thank you for waiting.

In two weeks time it would be Christmas time and that meant all my brothers were coming home. That wasn't the news that had surprised me the most, I was getting used to them coming home for occasions like this. My mother who had been in London with her new husband was coming back for the holidays and I didn't know how I felt about that. I was happy that she had finally gotten the life that she wanted but even I didn't know how much she knew about what her husband was up to.

It wasn't even her that had told me to begin with. Riker had told me the other day when he had dropped by the house. Apparently his dad was coming back for a few weeks to check how things are before heading back to London. My mother had chosen to come with him which at least told me she knew something about his true business. My mother might lack common sense when it came to family life but she wasn't stupid. Well I liked to think she wasn't anyway. It was the one hope I held unto for her these days.

"You finished?"

Looking over my shoulder I seen Riker make his way into the garage. The door had been locked so it made me frown his way but he didn't give me any answer to the question that was running through my head. He must have seen me put in the code at some point.

Riker stood beside his Bugatti looking over the paint work that I had just finished on it. I was never a fan of Bugatti's, I thought them to be overrated and boring. Where was the fun in driving a car that already held the status of the worlds fastest car. In fact I didn't even own one and that was out of choice. I needed cars that I could work on and modify, there was no fun on working with a Bugatti. That was my own opinion anyway, I was sure my brother Hayden would have something else to say on that matter.

"It's looking well." Riker spoke as he walked around the car admiring the detail. I watched out his rugged hands ran over the paint work noting how he had some fresh cuts around his knuckles. He had hands that showed the world that he was willing work and fight for what he wanted no matter what got in his way. There was something to admire about that, you had to like a man who knew how to get his shit together.

"Yea, well my work isn't cheap. So you may pay up cause I don't even have time to work on my own cars at the moment never mind someone else." I then looked back at the car to prove my point. "Never mind a car that I don't particularly like."

Pulling off the rest of the tape that was still on the car I went over to put it in the bin, Riker though had other ideas. He had grabbed me by the wrists on both arms, his chest firmly pressed against my back. I could feel my my breath catch in my throat at our sudden closeness. Since when was I the type of girl to react like this.

Slowly he leaned down to my ear, his voice lowered. "We both know you don't need money Princess, so what is it you want?"

Turning around as he let go of my wrist I came face to face with him. I wasn't sure what I was going to say but my words completely caught in my throat when I seen the edge of something on his neck. He was wearing a hoody but I was about to see it just peaking out of the collar.

Reaching up I pulled down the side of his jumper slightly, he let me as I took in what was there. A large deep cut was running down the edge of his neck leading down towards his chest. It was clear someone was out to do damage to him when they did it.

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