Lesson Forty-Six

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Never Stop Learning, Because Life Never Stops Teaching You. 

"I think you're on to something here Lyra." 

It had been a few weeks since we got back front France and to say things had changed would be a understatement. Riker was officially in behind bars and to say the media was having a field day with it would be saying it lightly. They were still taking about the Kennedy family and the fact that not only is Riker in prison but his father wouldn't be that far behind him. His trail was taking longer because of the amount of evidence found against him. The man was basically going down for being the master mind behind all the money laundering in the City. Everyone had their own ideas what that money was being used for and how it was gotten but they would never find out everything.

They were stupid to think the Kennedy's would let them know more than what they wanted them to know. They always had a plan even if they had to make sacrifices.  

"You really think so?" I looked up at my dad trying to find out if there was anything telling me that he was lying. Of course there wasn't, my dad would never sugar coat things for me when it comes to dealing with business ideas. 

"Yea it really is." He placed the folder back down on the table looking at me once more. "It's good to see you throwing yourself back into this stuff. You've worked hard on this kid." 

This business idea was all I had thought about for the last few weeks. Between balancing finishing High School and starting to make a mark on our Empire it was the only thing I could do to avoid what else was going on around me. 

I couldn't allow myself to think to much about Riker because it just made me worry about how he was getting on in there. I had gone and visited him at the start but we had made a deal that was the only time I would. Well it was more him idea than mine. He didn't want the world to know what his weaknesses was just yet, not with him trapped in there and me out here. So we were to keep our distance which wasn't something I was overly happy about but I understood. This was his side of the world so I was going to respect his wishes. 

I also couldn't allow myself to think about Sky because all I remember was her face when she told me she was leaving to stay with Jake, one of our old friends who currently lived in New York. She knew what she had done and just looking at her I knew she didn't mean to rat us out to her parents. They had used her weakness to get what they wanted from her and then left again. 

Her weaknesses of having parents that actually cared about her.

Not once did I tell her to leave and no way I wanted her to. Yes I was pissed but she was my best friends and we all made mistakes in our life. I just needed time to get my head straight again after everything but she had left without letting us stop her. Jake had messaged me to let me know she was fine, guilty more than anything but fine. My heart broke every time I thought about how guilty she felt but I knew she needed time. If I went and dragged her back home she would never forgive herself even if I told her to, so I let her have her space. 

Space was probably best for all of us right now. Even Damon had been avoiding everyone after what had happened to Sky. I think he slightly blamed me and himself for her leaving and I got why he would have that part of him. We got her in the middle of something that we knew she probably wouldn't have been able to handle. I didn't stop and think for a moment what would happen to her because of who her parents were.

"You alright?" 

Dad snapped me out of my thought with a questioning look, I must have zoned out and it wouldn't be the first time that I would have done that. 

"Yea." Then a grin came to my face as I went to change the subject. "So how is you and mom?" 

My dad glared at me and I gave him a cheeky grin, he was stupid to think I wouldn't have known about there little date nights. 

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