Lesson Thirty-One

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Be Brave Enough To Be Bad At Something New. 

"Are you crazy?" 

Looking at my older twin brother I gave him a pointed look at that question. "Why ask something we both don't know the answer too?" 

He let out chuckle but there was no humour in it at all. "No, I know the answer now and it's clear as day. You my dear sister are out of your God damn mind. Are you sure that bullet didn't give you brain damage? Because what you are saying is not what a sane person would say." 

"I agree with Lyra on this one." Spoke up Riker. We were currently sitting in his office with Zoe and Archer as well. "We need to do this and it needs to be kept under wraps." 

"But not to tell the rest of the crew...." Damon trailed off but in reality he knew why we were telling the others. There was a rat somewhere and it could be anyone. The more we kept this under wrap the more chance we had at success and the odds were already against us without adding this to it.

"So what's the plan." Asked Zoe getting us all back on track again. She was all for this since the moment it was brought up. I knew she would be, after all this was the life she lived for. 

"Well first things first we need to get Jessica back. Emily is under to much of a high guard at the moment with Nisha reportedly back in London. If we get Jessica hopefully that will pull them out from their base in London to try and track down Jessica. Which will give us an opening. It's a small one but it's the only chance we have got." 

"Do you not hear yourself?" Spoke up Damon once more making me roll my eyes at him. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. "You just told us Jessica isn't in the country but France. F.R.A.N.C.E FRANCE." 

"Will you stop saying France." Zoe remarked looking at Damon like he was the one who had lost his mind and I was starting to think she was right. 

"No I will not stop saying France." Bit back Damon in the middle of his breakdown before turning back to me. "Do you want to know why? Because in France we have no one. There is no turf control, there is no alliances, fuck there's not even people that know our names. If we get into shit there is no back up to get us out." 

"Which we can use to our advantage as well." I explained to my brother calmly trying to ease him. I could sense him losing his temper and that wasn't something I needed in this moment. "No one knows us. We can move around freely and they won't expect anything from us. We can get in and out before people even realise we were in the country." 

Damon clearly knew he wasn't going to be changing my mind cause he turned to Riker looking back up. "How are you agreeing to this right now? Have you actually listened?" 

"Of course I am listening." Sighed out Riker like Damon was nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum. It wasn't the first time he had to deal with Damon like this by the looks of the sight in front of me. "And your sister is right. The quicker we can get in and our the better. I don't like the fact there is no back up as well but sometimes you just have to rely on yourself and the ones your with in the moment." 

"So how are we going to do it?" Asked Zoe before Damon could open his mouth to complain once more. Inside I thanked her for cutting off my brother. 

"We are going to just make the plan simple and easy to remember." I said glancing at each other them making sure they are listening to me carefully. "Zoe of course you're going to do what you do best. Use them hacking skills to give us the best opportunity to strike. Her house is in a small village but I am sure there a handful of Nisha's men living around her if not more. We need you to watch and learn. Hack into their security camera's, phones, cars, anything that will let us know their routine, watch and learn and then we can find the perfect time to strike. I need you to get straight on this the earlier you start to more we will know." 

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