Lesson Twenty-Two

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Your Next Chapter In Life Is Going To Be Amazing

Snow. It was the one thing in this world that reminded me how quickly things could change. In just a spilt moment your life could turn around and you could be walking a completely different path in life. I welcomed the change with open arms every year almost dying to be the first person to make those footprints in the snow. Though there was always something in me that tried to hold me back from ruining something so perfect. Perfect things will always get ruined though, if it wasn't by me it was going to be by someone else.

I could feel my inner child start to come out as I looked over the back garden how the snow fell like a soft feathered cushion. I don't think there was anything else in this world that could look so beautiful but so deadly at the same time.

With one last look I made my way from the balcony and leaving my bedroom. I was starving and I knew for a fact my twin brother would be gracing us with his presence after being out for the last three nights to celebrate his birthday. I wanted front row seats to that suffering that was for sure.

"Oh my God."

A grin crossed my features when I knew I didn't have to wait long at the sound of my slightly older twin brother groggy voice. Glancing up from the stairs that I had just walked down I could see my brother leaning over the railing looking like he was about ready to throw up. God love if any of those Maids walked under that railing right now. They might get the worst surprise and my father would be giving them a big bonus as payment.

"You alive brother?"

It seemed like my brother couldn't even form words as he banged his head hard on the railing. Even I winched at the sound of it but he didn't even seem to notice making me raise my eyebrow. Clearly the boy was still out of it.

"It feels like my brain is trying to explode out of my head." If it wasn't for the fact we were siblings I wouldn't have made out a single word he had said.

"I heard you went to Anarchy last night."

My brother groaned in pain even louder at the sound of the nightclub that has apparently turned him into this state. Slowly I watched as he made his way down the stairs and I don't think I had ever seen him concentrate so hard on something. It was like he was telling himself to put one foot in front of another as he took it one step at a time.

"It was basically a free for all last night as soon as Riker shown up. He seemed pretty pissed and next thing I know he was giving us all drinks on the house and now I'm dead." He seemed to remember something once he stood beside me, his eyes brightening up slightly. "Wait he said something about you. He came here with his father to show face at that party that was threw for our birthday and then showed up pissed. What did you do?"

I rolled my ice blue eyes at my brother and started to make my way to the dinning room. "Why do you think I did something?"

"Riker is a pretty level headed guy. The only times I have ever seen him pissed off at anything is when it is to do with you. So what did you do this time?"

"Don't see why you need to know that."

As we entered the large dinning I could see the thoughtful look on my brothers features before he seemed to come to some sort of conclusion.

"Do you want to know what? I'm your twin brother I don't want to know what the hell is going on between you and Riker."

I raised my eyebrows once more at the double standards. "Yet I have to hear about you and Sky's relationship."

"Who said anything about a relationship, dear sister."

Nice try I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to trap me and there was no way my twin brother was going to be one to do that.

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