Lesson Thirty-Nine

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There Is Not One Strong Person Out There With A Easy Past

Riker's POV


I had seen Lyra's car and followed it thinking she had a plan to get to the house. It had only been in the last two minutes I was able to shake off Nisha's men. In fact there was now none of them in sight and I was thinking I was heading in the wrong direction. Lyra's car in my sight though made me change my mind. 

Not long after I started trailing her car the breaks slammed on in a small alley making me almost smash into the back of her car. Grabbing my gun I instantly knew that something wasn't right I seen someone start to get out of the car and it wasn't Lyra. The blonde hair on the woman made that completely obvious compared to Lyra's almost black hair. My grip tightened getting ready to aim the gun when I seen her fully. My sister. 

Opening my car door and getting out I made sure to take the gun with me. Carefully looking around I started to make my towards her. For all I knew this could be a trap but what threw me off was the fact that she was in Lyra's car. That girl wouldn't let just anybody take her car which means something was going down. 

"Riker, you have to go back for Lyra. I couldn't stick around it was too dangerous with the others I didn't know what else to do." My sister was looking at me with those same grey eyes that we shared, hers more piercing than my own. Something that she had gotten from our mother. I could tell she was pissed, pissed that she had left Lyra behind but when I looked into the car I instantly seen why. 

There was another woman in the car with a little boy sitting on her lap he looked to be only five. His dark hair striking against his pale skin his eyes bloodshot as the little boy looked like he had been crying none stop. His mother didn't look much better. She looked frightened and out of her depth with the situation we were in. This must have been Emily and her son. Hayden's son and Lyra's nephew. 

"Mom what's going on?" My eyes snapped to the back of the car where there was two children sitting. It was the oldest one who had called out to her. He looked to be about ten and I knew this was my sister's son the other younger girl her daughter. I hadn't seen the two of them since the girl Evie was just a baby. So it was no surprise Evie was looking at me like I was the enemy. Kai on the other hand was older when he left and was looking at me like he was trying to pinpoint something. 

They needed to get out of here. 

My eyes snapped back to my sister who was standing in front of me not seeming to believe who was standing in front of her. I was just a kid when she left and was hardly even a teenager. In fact I was still shorter than her when she left but here I was towering over her like she was now the child. 

"Get in the car." Even I heard the demand in my tone but I didn't care. I looked around me making sure no one was watching. It wouldn't be long before someone noticed but it was quiet, to quiet to be comfortable. 

Jessica snapped out of what ever trance she was in and jumped back in the drivers seat of the car. My sister was no stranger with this life. Between being raised by my father and her husband it was no surprise she was so calm. There was something there though something that she was trying to hide and it was the fear for her children. Fear for Emily and her son. 

"Lyra said that there was a airstrip that we all have to met back at?" 

Everything came crashing back around me at the mention of Lyra's name. If her car was here and she was no where to be seen that wasn't a good sign and my mind started running a million miles an hour. I needed to stay calm I needed to think clearly if I was get things sorted. Lyra had told me before that I was rash when I let my temper get the best of me and right now it was something I needed to keep under control. 

Being more in control of a situation was something I needed to take from Lyra's book sometimes. Knowing that she wasn't here with the others didn't make that easy to do and second by second I could feel that rashness come to the surface. 

"Yea, I'll get Damon to show you the way." I closed her door but you could tell by my voice my thoughts were somewhere else. Leaning into the car checking that everyone was ok apart from the obvious panicked faces. I then whispered to my sister making sure the rest of them didn't hear. "Don't let Damon out of your sight. We only have one shot of getting out of here and we can't leave anyone behind." 

She nodded before turning to me her eyes for a spilt second holding worry. "Lyra got us out of there, she made herself out to be a distraction so I could get the others. Riker, you have to go get her, if she's not already...." She trailed off and I knew what she wanted to say but not in front of the kids. "Riker, she has to be ok she risked everything to get us out." 

"Go, it's fine I'll go get her now." Then I looked at the car, a car that Lyra had spend hundreds of hours working on. "And watch that car if something happens to that car Lyra will kill us all, never mind Nisha's men." 

I needed to keep the mood light I couldn't risk thinking about the other outcome as I started to make my way over to my car listening as Jessica speed off into the distance. I took a deep breath to get my bearings, I needed to focus. The sky was still dark and it would only be a couple of hours before the sun would rise and we would need to be out of here by then. I got back into the car turning my attention back to the screen on the dash and tuning it back to Damon's car. 

"Did you find her?" Damon's voice was full of panic for his sister and I didn't blame him. Him and his sister always fought tooth and nail but at the end of the day the two of them had each others backs no matter what the other one had done. I've seen Damon do things for Lyra that she would never know about in order to keep her safe.

"No I'm heading there now. Lyra's car is heading out of the village though, I need you to direct it to the airstrip and get Zane to follow to make sure there is no issues. Jessica and the others are in it." 

"Wait Emily is there too? and her son?" I could hear the happiness in his voice at the sound of his brothers family being safe but then it must of hit him because pure terror raised to the surface. I dared to look down at the screen for a moment and I regretted my choice. Looking eyes with Damon's wide and panicked eyes were the last thing I needed to see in that moment. "Riker, where the fuck is my little sister?"  

"Just go look after them Damon." My voice was low as I spoke, I didn't want to pick a fight with him right now and I needed him to do this to make sure the rest of them would be safe. "You look after my sister and I'll look after yours."

There was a long silence as I knocked my car into reverse and guiding it back out of the alley.  I took a moment to try and remember the directions of the house I looked for anything familiar from the maps that we had read over before we got here. After a few seconds I finally worked it out, Damon's voice though was the one to snap me out of my thoughts.  

"Ok but you better bring my sister back in one piece." 

Changing the gear into first I let the car take off down the road. It was still quiet. For somewhere that was raining bullets ago the atmosphere had sure changed. It was uncomfortable because I was prepared for war, right now war was silenced. 

"Trust me you're sister is coming back in one piece." A darkness came over me as my fist tightened around the steering wheel, my anger was starting to rise and nothing was going to stop it till I seen that she was ok. "Cause if she doesn't then even Nisha won't be able to stop the rain off hell I will bring down on her."  

After a minute of driving I was finally able to see the house in my sight. There was cars everywhere and it was clear this was where everyone had gathered. It was also obvious I wasn't going to be able to just sneak in there and get Lyra out. Nisha had been one step ahead once again. She wanted Lyra to break Jessica and the others out, she just wanted Lyra. She didn't care about the rest of us. 

"This woman is starting to piss me off." 

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