Chapter Thirty-Three

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You Gotta Train Your Mind To Be Stronger That Your Emotions Or Else You'll Lose Yourself Every Time. 

"Can I go yet?" 

The woman was pissed off and frankly I didn't care. She was the one who barged into my home and dragged me down to their headquarters and stuffed me in this small room. There was nothing to look at other than the four white walls.. Even the woman in front of me was nothing interesting to look at. No flaws I could focus on but she always wasn't perfect either. To me she was just boring.

I didn't have time for this and honestly there was no way in hell I was going to tell them anything to begin with. Don't know what they thought when they dragged me down here but they clearly weren't going to get what they wanted from. 

Over the last few hours I had learnt that the woman's name was Agent Rodriguez. This was the same woman who had judged me on the spot without even speaking a word to me. How they thought putting her in a room with me to try and get me to speak would work was beyond me. 

At the moment I was more worried about how this was going to affect my attendance. I was already getting killed by my teachers about my lack of showing up to class. If it wasn't for the news they probably wouldn't believe me either if I was to tell them about this one. Maybe there was a use for the paparazzi always following me everywhere after all.

Knowing my luck the teachers would probably say I set it up just to get out of class. Frankly I wouldn't put it past me either so I couldn't blame them on that one. 

"Not until you tell what you know about Riker Kennedy and his family." There was a bite in her tone that I didn't apricate and it took everything in me to keep my cool. Punching the F.B.I agent in her boring face probably wasn't the best way to deal with the situation. 

"Look, for the thousandth time I don't know what you want me to tell you. We go to school together and hang out after school. I know his brother Ace Kennedy because my brother used to be best friends with him." Even I could hear the annoyance rising in my voice but I was at breaking point. This was the millionth time I had said the same thing to this woman. I know she was looking me to slip up but there was no way she was going to catch me off guard. 

I have handled far worse than her in the last few months. This was a kids game compared to almost getting killed my real mother. Think very few things compared to that. 

"And what about Xavier Kennedy." 

I sighed throwing my head back looking at the dull white tilled celling. There was only so many times I could go around the same circle before I have had enough. I had even resorted to counting those tiles on the celling to try and calm myself at one point. 

"If you haven't noticed I know Xavier Kennedy because my mother is married to him." I then looked back at her my eyes narrowed dangerously. "Or have you been living under a rock the whole time? Because my family life isn't what you would call a secret from the world. My mother likes to put on a show and a show is what the people get." 

"Just getting all the facts out in the open." She said writing something down on a piece of paper in front of her with her left hand. I looked at it carefully trying to work out what she was writing down but I wouldn't be able to see it without making it obvious. Then again did I really care anymore.

"Then go find a reporter or journalist because they will probably be able to tell you about our lives more than we know ourselves." 

"At this rate I probably would be better off. You don't seem to know much about anything do you?" She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat. I shifted slightly in my seat trying to get more comfortable. I've been sitting in the same metal chair since I had gotten here and I could feel my back starting to stiffen up. My stomach also wasn't doing so good at sitting in this position for so long. It still wasn't properly healed. Not that it probably ever would be. 

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