Lesson Fifteen

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It was Monday morning and I was finally back to school. If it wasn't for the fact that I had made that deal with Mr Davis not that long ago I would've been in some serious shit. As I walked through the doors though he only glanced my way before talking to another student. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him even if he said something anyway. In fact I probably would've just turned around and went back home if he said something to me. I couldn't even be bothered to put up a fight today.

Walking over to my locker I noticed Riker standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes locked with mine as soon as I was in sight. It was clear he had been waiting for me this whole time. I looked over my shoulder to the sound of two giggling girls who glanced at Riker before running away. It made me roll my eyes at them. Riker got girls attention everywhere he went. It was actually really annoying.

"Princess, you need to chill out with this whole one woman army thing you've got going on." He didn't even give me time to open my locker before he went on. "Cause trust me I know how that shit gets in your head when you take on to much, better than anyone."

His deep voice was as smooth as silk as he talked to me. He knew how to get me to listen to him with that voice of his and that control over me was something I couldn't allow. 

Grabbing the books that I needed from my locker I planned on ignoring him but I changed my mind. Ignoring him would let him know that there was something actually wrong. I was a fighter and if I did anything but fight that would show the world I could be defeated. "Well maybe if everyone could sort their own goddamn problems I wouldn't have to do this shit now would I?"

I didn't mean it. I would always help my family and friends no matter what but I wanted to prove a point. All these problems I was dealing with, most of them weren't even from my own doing. My own problems were getting put to the bottom of the pile in my own life and I needed a moment to put myself first.

I heard Riker sigh leaning against the locker beside mine. Looking around the hallway he must have seemed satisfied that there was no one about because he turned and looked at me carefully. It was like he didn't know how to word what he was going to say next. I didn't like that look. That look told me there was another problem I was probably going to have to deal with. Good or bad. 

"Zane's men have control of the East side of this city. I want you to tell them to back down so my men can move in. There's someone hiding that I need to get to on that side but I can't cross that line without starting a blood bath."

That was the last thing I expected Riker to say to me but there was something about his words I didn't like. He was telling me, not asking me. I might not have been in the mood to fight today but that was something that would always push me over the edge. No one got away with telling me what to do. 

"Ok two things." I said closing my locker and giving him my full attention. There was a dark look on my features and judging my Riker's own he could see it to. "One, Zane's not in charge of them so they're not 'Zane's men' they're mine. Second you didn't say please."

Riker stood to his full height. I knew what he was trying to do but there was no way I was going to let him intimidate me like that. With us both on opposite sides I was starting to see a problem that was forming. A problem that might make or break us and what ever this messed up friendship was.

"I'm not asking you Lyra, I am telling you." Something flashed through his eyes before he covered it up. It was regret their but it was gone just as quickly as it had came. "If you want to play with the big kids then you've got to be prepared for what comes with that."

Narrowing my electric blue eyes at him I took a step closer. Our chests were almost touching and I could feel his presence take up all the room around us. He was out to get what he wanted but I wasn't one to hand something over either.

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