Lesson Thirty-Six

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There's A Little Bit Of Devil In Everyone's Eyes.

To get Jessica, Emily and their children, that was the mission. 

This was something I had been chanting to myself for the whole drive to the small village in France. I couldn't give myself a moment of doubt cause I knew if I gave myself a second to think about everything my mind would start to tell me this was a bad idea. That type of thinking was something that would win. That logic side of my brain was strong. 

Looking in my review mirror I could see Riker following closely on my tail with Damon and Zane not that much further behind him. Something in Riker had changed sense we had landed in France. He was far more serious than I had ever seen him. Like some sort of switch had turned his emotions off and his sinister side came out to play. There was something to admire about that. 

Lifting the hand break I let the car drift around another corner and before I knew it we were in the small village. There was nothing overly special about the place. Just pretty house and nice things to look at. 

I pressed on the breaks hard knowing that now wasn't the time to bring attention to us and with a engine like mine attention would follow anyway. We needed as much of a head start as we could get even though I was sure eyes were already on us. Sometimes I liked to be surprised by the outcome if I wasn't right. 

Glancing up at one of the houses I was proven right when I seen a number of people looking down at us. My eyes locked with one of the men and I could see the grin of knowing on his face. They had gotten word that we would show up and we were walking right into the heart of the lions den.

Guns were starting to be pointed in our direction. They weren't going to be wasting any time. 


Bullets started to rain down on us and my heart rate went up ten fold. I slammed my foot down on the accelerator and changed gears making my car shoot of the mark. I could hear the bullets hit the body of the car and for a moment I was grateful that me and Archer had spent so much time on the cars, reinforcing them with what ever we could without effecting the speed of the car to much. So far it seemed to be working. As each bullet just bounced right out but that didn't mean it would hold up forever. I just hoped it would buy us enough time. 

 We all started to spilt up and for a moment I watched Riker, Damon and Zane all spilt up down different streets behind me. We all knew were we needed to get to then it would be down to Damon and Zane to hold them off. 

Another bullet hitting the reinforced glass snapped me out of my thoughts and for a second my whole body froze. Being alone out here with no one else around but me and Nisha's men brought back memories of that night. A night that had almost ended with me being killed. Looking down at my hands I noticed that they were shaking on the steering wheel the sound of the bullets were getting the better of me. 

Shifting in my seat I tried to will my body not to panic to remind myself that I wasn't actually alone out here. We were all here for a reason and I couldn't let Nisha get the best of me again. I reminded myself who I was and that right now Jessica and Emily needed to me to help them and my fear was nothing compared to theirs. 

This wasn't about me or my real mother. This was about the lives who were put at risk because of her. I wasn't about to let me or anyone else be a number on her list. It was my time to finally stand up to her and show her what I was all about. She was the one person that didn't understand who Lyra Anderson truly was and right now I was about to show her. 

She started this war as an ember but I was about to raise it to a blazing fire. 

Turning another corner the bullets started to get harder and faster as I got closer to where I need to go. On the flight over here I had spent hours looking at the map learning every street, every angle, every shortcut in this village. I could rhyme them off on the top of my head. I knew every route out from here to the airstrip. Anywhere and anything they could try and pull something I knew about it.  

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