Lesson Forty-One

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** The cover is by thecoffeewaferhoe I hope you all love it just as much as I do!!**

Have No Regrets In Life. Just Lessons Learned.

"What are you doing?"

"Just shut up and stay still." Those two idiot guards did a shit job at tying us up back to back. Our hands might be tied but I had noticed I was able to reach over to Riker's hands. I've been working away at the tape around his wrists for the last two minutes.

"If you wish Princess." He let out a deep laugh like he found something amusing and I couldn't help it I let out a laugh as well. It was contagious, he was contagious.

"Only you would find something to laugh about right now." I finally felt my fingers find the edge of the tape and I couldn't help but feel a bit of hope. We needed to at least get out of this room if we were to have any bit of success getting out of here alive. "Why are you here Riker?"

He was silent for a moment as I continued to work on the tape. "Do you want to know the truth?"

My hands froze for second not sure what he meant, his tone told me this was a dangerous road to go down. "Go for it." I was never one to shy away from the truth.

"I was terrified." His voice was low, almost like he was talking to himself. I scoffed not believing that Riker Kennedy was terrified of anything. It wasn't like I could read his expression at the moment for the answer.

"Somehow I don't believe that."

"It's true but I'm not terrified for you. I'm not terrified of what those men could've done or that you might not get out of here because I know you always have a plan even if you don't know the plan in that moment. You would outsmart them in some way and then you would act like it was nothing. Even if you did end up in trouble I know somehow it would work out and you would come out just as strong with your head held high. You don't need anyone." There was a moment of pause between the two of us the only sound was my fingers moving around the tape. "No I'm not terrified for you, I'm terrified of you."

The tape finally came loosened from Riker's wrists and I could sense him rubbing his wrists trying to get the blood flow back. For a moment I felt tired and the throbbing pain in my head from where I hit that man earlier came rushing back. There would be no surprise if I had a concussion right now. I needed to focus, I needed to get us out of here.

Riker walked around so that he was facing me and I wasn't going to lie for a spilt moment there might have been two of him. Shaking my head I tried to get my focus back and it worked for a moment.


Riker took in the damage of my head and quickly took off his black hoody and used it to wipe my forehead he seemed to sigh in relief after a moment. His fingers were on the back of my neck and for a moment I had never felt safer knowing her was here. Studying his face as he fixed my face I could see his jaw sharpen as he clenched his jaw in anger.

"What's the damage? Because I have to admit it's starting to feel like it wasn't one of my best ideas." A short laugh came out of my throat as I spoke but there was no humor in it, I was already planning our next step.

He looked me in the eyes and there was no worry there which was a bit of relief. That meant that it probably didn't look as bad as it felt.

"The blood isn't yours which is probably the only good thing." His voice was ruff as he spoke and he went behind me to start untying my hands. "Though do you know how hard it sometimes to watch you do these things to yourself."

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