Lesson Seventeen

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Forgive and Forget? Nah.... fuck you and fuck that.

Adrinaline was running through my whole body as I crossed over the finish line once more. First place, of course I was, what else was to be expected at this point. I was back at the top of my game and I was welcoming it with open arms.

Slowing my car to a stop a crowd of people swarmed over to me but I didn't make a move to get out. Watching one of the race organisers make their way over to me I couldn't help but role my eyes. I didn't need the money, the whole world knew that for a fact so I don't see why he bothered. Racing to me was for the rush, if there was something in this world money couldn't buy it was that. A rush was an addiction, an addiction I would never get enough of.

The man in his late twenty's tapped the glass of my window telling me to put my window down. I did so just enough to grab the twenty grand he was holding out. There was a lot of money on the line in this race that was for sure. I needed a challenge though this wasn't enough, I needed something to really test me. I wanted to see what I had got when it came to the big leagues.

The passenger door opened and from the corner of my eye I watched Riker get into the car with a grin plastered across his features. It was clear he had gotten what we had truly came here from. Me racing was nothing more than him tempting someone into a bet. A bet that he seemed to have won.

"Hope you placed your money on me?" I said waving the twenty grand in front of his face. What ever he had bet on wasn't money though I knew that much. I hadn't bothered to ask what it was he was doing. He had asked me to race and of course I took up the opportunity. If he didn't want to tell me what it was about that was fine, it was his business not mine. I didn't need to know everything about his life.

"Trust me I did and you did just what I wanted you to do." He looked out the window where some girls were basically pressed up against my car. I narrowed my eyes dangerously at them, if they didn't back up soon there was going to be a problem. They were just lucky this car wasn't my baby the BMW I8 or my McClaren P1. I was willing to make sacrifices sometimes to keep the peace but not when it came to them cars.

"It isn't that hard to win." I responded starting my car up once again and reeving the engine. People around me started to get the hint and made their way away from my car. All of them still chatting away to their friends, placing bets or drinking. Though their didn't seem to be much interest in the next race all of them still to hyped on mine. I was what they came here to see. I loved that thought. It wasn't my name that brought them here it was my skills. Something that I wouldn't normally get in my reality.

Riker though had scoffed at my response. "Only you would say that in a race like that."

Once I seen that people had moved a good few meters away from my car I started to move my car but not before getting an idea. Putting the window down of my car I moved money from my lap and threw it out the window. The world seemed to go in slow motion as it took everyone a few second to realise what I had just done. By then though I was long gone and I could see the crowd pushing and shoving each other to where I had just been. Trying to get as much of the twenty grand to themselves as they could. It was like watching feeding time at a zoo. Money had so much control over people, that was for sure.

"Did you really just throw your earnings out the window?" Laughed out Riker as he looked out the back window not quite believing what I had just done.

"They probably need it more than I ever will." Turning the next corner I started to head back to Riker's house to drop him off. Something in the air changed though when I did this and it made me look at him carefully. "What's wrong?"

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