Lesson Twenty-Eight

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You Have To Train Your Mind To Be Stronger Than Your Emotions Or Else You Will Lose Yourself Everytime.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Sky had a right to be worried that was for sure. Having Riker's men and Zane's in one building probably wasn't the brightest of ideas that I have had but there wasn't much choice. Nisha was starting to move and we needed them all to be ready. There was more pressing matters than facing off against each other. They needed to realise this if we were to win anything.

Standing up from the seat behind Riker's desk I couldn't help but grabbed my stomach in pain. It had been a week from I came face to face with Nisha and I was still in pain. Everything else seemed to be easing away but I knew my stomach was probably never going to be the same again.

I was lucky to be alive though and I was quick to remind myself of that fact.

Pain is nothing when that could have been the reality of the situation.

There was also the problem of Nisha going after Jessica and Emily next. I was running out of time with finding them and it was clear Nisha knew where they were. She had been watching them from day one, she had been watching us all closely. There was people everywhere watching, seeing every move that we made. We needed to find them, find those that had been watching us.

Then there was the paparazzi. Ever since I had ended up in the hospital the world had been watching my every move. My father had told them just what Nisha had said the world would believe. There was a car crash and I was lucky to be alive.

Every inch of my body felt stiff as I made my way across the room. Sky must have sensed my pain cause she looked at me with worry as I walked over to her. She was basically the sister I never had, she was always worrying about me. My brothers on the other had been threatening to kill Nisha but Nisha wasn't their problem and they needed to get back to their normal lives after Christmas. They didn't want to leave but I made them. They had their own problems to deal with.

Also I couldn't look Hayden in the eyes when I knew information about Emily and the fact that she could be in danger. I couldn't face him knowing I didn't actually know where she was but Nisha did. There was no need to worry him and cost him his career to search for her anymore than he already was.

That was my problem to take on.

The door opened to the office and I was quick to move my arm away from my stomach. It was out of instinct to not let others know how much pain I actually was in. I think the only people I was fully comfortable around to show that weakness at the moment was Sky, Jake and Riker. I didn't even think my dad knew what I was going through.

People started to walk in, straight away noticing that they were all the main guys from both sides. Not one of them looked happy to be in the same room as each other but as soon as their eyes landed on me their expressions completely changed. Well most of them anyway.


Zoe started to run over to me like a child on a sugar high. She carefully wrapped her arms around me as I gave her a hug back. I hadn't seen Zoe since we had taken down the men in her apartment. Now that I thought about it that seemed like such a long time ago.

Archer was even there and he to came over to greet me. His cheeky boyish lighting up his features as he looked me over. He was checking me over to make sure I was still in one piece. He was the one person that would probably rival me in how well he builds cars.

"Good to see your still in one piece." Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear making sure the rest didn't hear. "If you were gone it would be a blood bath on the streets."

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