Lesson Eight

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Even A White Rose Has A Black Shadow.

Riker's POV

There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes and her smile was like a loaded gun. She was everything I couldn't control, she was both hellfire and holy water and the flavour you taste depends on how you treat her.

Lyra had turned into an addiction before I had even noticed what was happening. A addiction like this wasn't one you could get rid of. It would forever hunt your every movement, calling out to be close to her chaos.

"I'm so going to hell for this."

Looking over at the passenger side of my car I could see the wildness in her electric blue eyes even in the darkness. Her eyes were a dangerous thing to look at, they were a trap. It was like she could see into your soul with those eyes, nothing ever got past them no matter how hard you tried. Trust me I had tried on a number of occasions but it seemed like she seen right through them for what they were. Lies.

"Princess, you were already going to hell before this."

"I guess I'm meeting you there again then." Then she sent me a evil grin making me give her curious look. "Only I'd be sitting on the throne and you'd be my little bitch."

I watched her as she glanced out the window, her mind was working in overdrive. From the moment I had gotten to know her I've noticed that her mind never rested. There was always a thousand thoughts running through her head, it's like she couldn't let herself relax. Cause to relax for her would mean she would fall behind what ever battle she was facing.

She wasn't the only one that was good at reading people.

What I couldn't believe though was that I was sitting in my car in front of the school that both our parents had built. I don't know why I was going through with such childish pranks in the first place. I honestly didn't have time to do this in my life right now. Not with my father still gone and a Mafia to run. For some reason though I couldn't stop myself from taking the opportunity to be around her. She had done so much for me and my family and she didn't even know it. Either that or she didn't even think twice about what she was doing.

This girl was what was going to get me killed. That I knew for certain.

My phone went off again once more for what was probably the hundredth time tonight. I paid no attention to it. When I was around her I wanted to do nothing more than ignore the world around me. She was my break from the world I lived and honestly that scared me. Nothing in this world scared me, yet this five foot five little bitch in front of me knew how to put me in my place.

Lyra looked down at her own phone and a large grin took over her beautiful features. She held out the phone for me to read the text. My eyes squinted at the bright light coming from the phone but it wasn't long before they adjusted. It was Zoe.


I gave Lyra a confused look one that held more questions than answers. I didn't know what Lyra's full plan was for what ever we were doing but it clearly involved one of my closest friends. Normally I didn't stand for people getting to close to Zoe but for some reason I trusted Lyra around her. I trusted her enough to keep her out of things if it got to deep.

"I got Zoe to hack into the school security system. So we can walk freely around the school without fear of being caught by the cameras."

I raised my eyebrow at her wondering when she had planned this all out. I had been with her all day and never really seen her near her phone much less anything else.

"So what's your plan when you get in there?"

A mischievous look crossed her features. Never before was someone able to bring hell while also looking like heaven. Until I had seen her and her real mother stand side by side had I noticed how much they truly did look like each other. I always knew who Lyra's real mother was, it wasn't a secret in the world I lived. It was only a matter of time before Lyra herself found out. In fact I was surprised that Zane had never told her seeing as they were going out for so long. I could sense my annoyance at the thought of Zane's name but was quick to block it out of my mind.

"He seems to be so focused on everyone's attendance and grades so let's make everyone have the perfect scores. I'm not just going to stop there though."

She needed to graduate. We all knew it. Unlike me she needed her grades to take over her father's Empire. Me on the other hand should have left school when I returned. There was no real need for me to be here. In fact staying here was putting me more at risk of exposing who I really was. It wouldn't be long though before I really would have to leave and then I would have to become the person I was always born to be. It's what I've worked so hard to become and what I've always wanted.

I stuck around for longer because I need to work out if she could handle who I truly was. She would become someone with their own power and I might need that power and influence in my life at some point. She was someone valuable and in my life, something valuable was something important. That was what I told myself anyway that this was the reason I wanted her around so much.

Over the last year she had become such a big game piece in this world. Her name was starting to get out their and rumours were starting to go around. People were starting to whisper the truth about her name and who she truly was. Her true mother Nisha Brooks was the type of person you didn't want to mess with. My father had tried going up against her a long time ago when I was still only baby and let's just say he's lucky he came out alive never mind anything else. He lost the war when he found out the truth. A truth to this day that even I don't know.

"I've also got this." Snapping out of my thoughts I looked at Lyra once more almost forgetting that she was sitting there. From the inside of her jacket she pulled out a handgun. She must have seen something on my face because she rolled her eyes as she put the gun away again. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill him or anything. I'm just going to plant it in his office. Let's just say it will be good leverage for tomorrow. I've also got Damon, Emily and Jake to go to his house and put some stuff in their to. The man really needs to keep his personal information hidden away better."

I didn't even bother trying to hide my amazement as I watched her get out of my car. This girl was always ten steps ahead of everyone else. She had already planned out everything that was going to happen, including how to save her ass and get ahead of the game once more. I didn't even know when she had time to do all this. 

Making my way over to her I could see her eyes focused and calculating at she looked around her. Leaning my back against the fence I leaned down and held out my hands. It didn't take her long for her to walk over to me. Sometimes I forgot how short she actually was because of how high she carried herself. It was like she was seven foot tall when she was ready for war.

Given her a boost up and over the fence I then took a few steps back and took a running start. I  easily grabbed the top of the fence and pulling myself over. I had lost count how many times I had done something like this.

"Show off." Muttered Lyra under her breath and I gave her a cheeky grin.

She lead the way through the school grounds until we reached the doors at the back of the school that lead into the locker rooms. I didn't even get to ask her what her plan was about the lock seeing as I didn't bring anything to open it.  Before I could say anything though she pulled a small tool kit that was obviously used to unlock doors. This girl was just full of surprises.

"Do you always carry that around or is it just for special occasions?"

She rolled her eyes at my comment but she didn't stop the grin that came over her lips when the door clicked open. Her eyes clashed with my own and in that moment I never noticed how much eye contact could hit you like a bullet.

"I'm definitely more amazing than you."

In that moment I knew what the future held. This girl was either going to be what made me or what broke me. She was the one person that could hold the fate of my life in her hands and she didn't even know it. I didn't know how I knew it but looking into her eyes I knew that fate was playing a dangerous game by throwing the two of use together.

This was one war I didn't know if I could win.

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