Lesson Three

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Exist On Your Own Damn Terms.

Monday morning. The day of the week that I'm sure that the world would agree, is the worst day of the week. It was the first day of school and I was currently sitting in my baby with Sky in the passenger seat. She was currently going through her bag making sure she had everything. Me on the other hand brought nothing, it was the first day of school they were lucky I showed up.

Looking up at the top of the marble steps of the school, stood Mr Davis. He was greeting the students back as they walked in through the front doors. A smile on his face and kind words probably coming out of his mouth. He was kind to everyone, but me.

From the first day he had shown up and given detention to me, Riker and Zane I had been on his list. He was soon to be on my actual hit list if he didn't back off soon. With the guys gone though he was the least of my problems. There was something off about him that I didn't like and it had nothing to do with him telling me what to do. Everyone knew we hated each other.

I noticed Sky's gaze on me and she was quick to work out who I was glaring at so early on a Monday morning. Her baby blue eyes were quick to snap back at me slight worry written in them.

"Please don't pick a fight with him, Lyra. We both know his threats are real."

The man had done nothing but threaten to not let me graduate from the moment he had gotten here. Every time I stepped a foot out of line it was his go to words. Even a few weeks away from this place hadn't cooled that fire that he had started.

"I'm not going to pick a fight with him." I remarked running my hands along the steering wheel off the car. The car instantly cut the engine off and I kind of missed the sound of it. There was something calming to me about the sound of a engine. That's what I get for growing up around cars.

"That goes to everyone else I even warned Damon about him. I don't want any of you getting on the wrong side of him." I grinned at my best friend. She was the innocent one out of us all that was for sure. She was always trying to keep us out of trouble. I give her credit she did try even though most of the time it didn't work out the way she wanted.

"It's not me you should be worried about. I don't think Riker will take to kindly to being told what to do by him."

Sky scowled at me. "Riker can afford not to graduate. I don't think in his line of 'business' you need a education. As long as he can count all the money he brings in I think everything else is forgotten about."

I let out a laugh at my best friends remark. She was probably right at the end of the day but that didn't mean I wasn't going to find amusement from it.

"Ok, ok I'll be on my best behaviour." I said reassuring her as I got out of my car. It was time to walk up them steps and face this hell hole for another year.

As we got closer to the doors Mr Davis' light brown eyes landed on us. Well more me than Sky, she was a perfect student he wouldn't have anything against her.

"Miss Anderson what a pleasure to have you back for another year. I'm hopeful we won't have any problems like we did last term."

My eyes narrowed dangerously at him but Sky's elbow to my ribs made me fix my posture. I put on the best fake smile but we all knew he could see through it. I wasn't kidding anyone that was for sure.

"I will be on my best behaviour." I responded with the same words I had given Sky only a few moments ago. There was no promise behind my words and judging by Mr Davis face I'm sure he knew it to.

"I'm sure you will Miss Anderson. We don't want to see you not graduating with the rest of your year would we?"

There is was, the threat that he had been holding over my head from day one. I made sure to keep my face mutual I wasn't going to let him know that he was getting under my skin more than he already did.

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