Chapter Thirty-Two

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Some Walk Around Mad At The World For What They, Themselves, Can't Handle. Learn To Deal With Your Problems Without Taking It Out On Anyone Else. 

Confused and sleepy wasn't two words strong enough to feel what I was feeling in this moment. What I did know was that there had better be a good reason to be rudely woken up on a Saturday morning at 7 O'clock. 

"Come on!" Shouted Sky as she dragged me and my brother through our home with one hand on both of our wrists. I never understood how the girl was such a morning person and survived with so little sleep. 

"Sky this better be good." Groaned out my brother as he rubbed his sleepy eyes with his free hand. If it was me that had woken him up there would've been a big argument between the two of us by now or in a worse situation, murder. 

As we walked into the dinning room the first thing that I noticed was that everyone was gathered around the large flat screen TV that hung on the wall. Our head butler Richard turned around at our presence entering the room and gave me a sad smile. This of course snapped me right out of my confused state making me looking up at the TV. 

There on the TV some news reporter was talking about something but the words where not registering in my brain. What had really caught my attention was the picture of not only Ace Kennedy but also his father Xavier Kennedy. There was one more, one that made my throat and heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. 

Riker, was also on the screen. 

On the screen the news reporter was gone as they switched to the live footage of the situation. All three of them were in handcuffs being dragged away by the police and it wasn't the normal everyday police. It was the Swat team and the FBI. 

It was clear all three of them had been just as rudely awoken as I had. Xavier's face was blank as the police read him his rights. He was doing a good job at keeping his emotions under control and nodding when he was expected to nod in response. Ace on the other hand looked anything put calm, he was pulling against the FBI's restraint demanding to know what was going on. 

Riker, well Riker was just being Riker. He was walking calmly with two FBI agents as they seemed to speak to him about something. One of them though yanked on his handcuffs a little to hard and the man was quick to get a warning glare from those storm grey eyes of his. Even in the face of these people he dared to give them that murderous look. I didn't know if the man was brave or stupid. 

The type of feelings I had running through my body right now was not one I was used to. I didn't know what to do. I felt helpless at the sight of watching them get dragged away. This wasn't my situation to deal with and if I was to do anything I know I would be putting our own family name at risk. 

I was caught between two options and neither of them were good. 

Help them and risk getting dragged into what ever situation they have gotten themselves involved in. Which could be anything from money, trafficking to just something simple like information. This was the Kennedy family, it was never anything simple when it came to this family. 

If I did nothing though it would go completely against my nature and everything I stood for. These people were turning into my family and I didn't think I could live with myself if I just sat back and watched what was going on. 

Then I seen something else that made my choice final. They had my mom in handcuffs as well. Tears were dripping down her face as she too was dragged from the house and into the back of the police car. Her hair was a mess and it looked like they had just given her enough time to throw a coat over the clothes she had been wearing that night. 

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