Lesson Twenty-Seven

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It Doesn't Get Easier, You Just Get Stronger

"Lyra stay in bed!"

This wasn't the first time Sky had shouted at me for trying to get out of my bed and I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be the last. I could feel the stitches pull at my skin as I moved but I ignored the weird sensation and the pain to sit up. Having enough of lying about I needed out of here. I needed to go home.

"What are you even still doing here Sky? It's Christmas day go back home and celebrate it."

I could see how her baby blues softened at my sentence and straight away I wish I could've taken back the words. Today would be her first Christmas without her parents. She was living with us and I wasn't even home to celebrate it with her. Where the hell was my brother, he should be making her happy right now.

"I want to spend it here with you." Her voice was soft and defeated almost like if I told her to leave again she would. She was never one to overstay her welcome but I would never actually tell her to go away. We are friends after all we don't always say what we mean.

I sighed and sat up straight in the bed. My father had went all out with this hospital treatment and the room itself looked like a hotel room. It was completely over the top if you ask me.

"Then let's bust me out of here and go home." I tried pulling the covers off me but she was quick to stand up and trap me back under them. Everyone had been treating me like a child for the last twenty-four hours and I was getting sick of it.

There was also so much security watching over my room and the hospital itself. It was hard to even go to the bathroom without someone checking out ever inch of the room before finally leaving me in piece. They finally left when Sky left to at least stand outside my door. Only after Sky promised them I would behave and try not to do a runner.

Not that I would be running anywhere anytime soon, that was for sure.

"Lyra, you were shot and had emergency surgery, your ear drum is burst, you've burnt yo-"

I cut her off I didn't need a list of things wrong with my body that I already knew. My body what was telling me itself what was wrong and frankly right now it felt like everything was in pain. The drugs were starting to were off.

"Will you at least tell my father I want to go home."

"You've been texting him like mad for the last ten hours." She took a seat beside me on the bed careful not to touch me. I hated being treated like a doll when I was anything but that. "I think he's gotten the hint that you want out of here. He's even told me that you aren't allowed to leave until the doctor has told him personally that you can go. He even told the doctor that if you tried bribing him or using blackmail he will double what your offering, or fix what ever you are threatening."

I groaned and threw my head back on the pilliow. My father knew me all to well that was for sure.

"Has your mom came around yet?" I could see the curiosity in her eyes and I knew it wasn't really the question she wanted to ask. Like everyone else she wanted to know what actually happened with me but I wasn't in the mood to talk about that right now. I still needed to get my own head wrapped around everything that had went down.

"Yea she was here earlier and I'm pretty sure she would've given me another broken rib if it wasn't for the nurse pulling her away from me. She was hysterical to say the least."

"I would say so. I was with you dad and Damon when he got the phone call that you were in hospital. I had never seen him freak out like he had done. Your father is normally such a calm and collected guy."

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