Lesson Five

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Control Your Anger, It's Only One Letter Away From Danger.

I didn't need to the dim light from the streetlights outside shinning through the windows to see what I needed to do. I needed to do what I did best. I needed to take control of this situation and quickly. Zoe didn't look like she could handle much more. Her eyes were full of panic, panic that I wanted to take away from her. These men had done this to her and I was going to make sure they knew never to cross me again.

When Riker, Damon and Zane left I had to remember a few things about this world that I had learnt when I was going out with Zane. The first one was the easiest one to remember.

Remind them who is in charge.

Taking a deep breath I put my guns away and calmed my racing heart. They still didn't know that I was here and I used that to my advantage at the moment. Counting backwards from ten I reminded myself that the ones that win moments like these were the ones that were in control of the situation. Being in control was something that my father had taught me from a young age. I didn't need to be apart of this world to know how to do that.

Opening my eyes after calming my racing heart a dark look came over my features, my lips turned up at the corner. I always knew what I needed to do in situations like this and I had to become that bitch once more. A bitch that had been showing herself more and more these days. A bitch though that knew how to get shit done unlike the boys.

"Alright boys, that's enough." Speaking as I rounded the corner and walked into the room. It wasn't a millisecond before everyone's eyes were on me. One of the men pointed their guns at my head taking his attention away from my brother. Just what I wanted. I was now the biggest threat in this room.

My brother must have seen the dark look on my face because he let out his own grin as he straightened up even more. Standing tall showing no fear to the men that stood in front of us. I wasn't stupid though. With Zoe tied to the chair we were outnumbered three to two but I didn't care. In the last few months I've had the odds against me far worse than this.

"That's Lyra Anderson." Whispered one of the men. He was probably the youngest one out of the three men. In fact he didn't look any older than me. Eighteen maybe twenty max. In fact I was almost positive I had seen his face before. His blonde hair was shaved at the sides and ruffled at the top, his eyes dark brown and watching me carefully. There was a scar on his neck though that I couldn't place. Something like that wasn't something you forgot about so easily.

"I've heard you've been causing trouble around here, girl."

I raised my eyebrow at the older man that had spoke. "Me? I'm not the one who has tied up a innocent girl."

This time the man narrowed his eyes daringly at me but I didn't even blink out a reaction. There was no way I was giving this man a reason to think I feared him.

"There is nothing innocent about this girl. We know she works closely with Riker Kennedy and anyone who works for Riker is a enemy of us."

Everything always came back to Riker. Anytime I had ended up in a situation like this Riker's name was mentioned in some shape or form. Not that I was surprised. After all his family ruled this City and were there is someone who rules, there are those that wish to conquer.

The older man walked over to Zoe and pressed his gun right at Zoe's temple. All I could hear was Zoe's muffled screams as she looked at me, pleading to help her. The sight of her almost broke me. I had to force myself to look away from her before I did something reckless. I needed to get her out of here, but I needed to get her out of here alive.

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