Lesson Thirty-Eight

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"Do you know how many of them there is out there?" 

Any information right now would be good on the situation and having Jessica standing here with me ready to go made the odds better. She might have been under lockdown in this house but that didn't mean she wouldn't have learnt a thing or too. Well I hoped so anyway if she was some normal person I wouldn't have my hopes so high. She was Riker's sister after all and if anyone was to know what to look for in these types of things it would be her. 

"There was about three in the hallway out there when they brought me in this room. I don't know how many is down the stairs but there was two guards in the room where the others are." She looked thoughtful as she spoke. She was trying to relive the moment as she dazed off trying to remember as many of the details as possible. 

"Do you definitely know what room they're in?" 

She nodded fully curtain. "Yea it's the only room with anything actually in it. It's on this floor, the third door on the right." 

It was the furthest room from this one of course it was, nothing was ever easy not when it came to my life anyway. Plans started to run through my head all of them risky but some of them were better than others. There was no point in both of us risking getting caught or injured by opening that door. Once one of the men were alerted they were all going to come rushing up. I didn't know how many people were down the stairs but judging from their shifts there was at least ten in the house. Three in the hall, two in the room. One was in here past out on the floor. Which meant there was at least four down the stairs. 

I didn't trust that judgement on my end. Nisha knew we were coming, she could've upped the numbers. There could be double that down the stairs for all I knew. Then there was also the issue of I still didn't know how she knew we were in France to begin with. In fact she knew long before we set foot on the Country. There was a rat but that wasn't the problem right now. 

Jessica went to grab the door handle her gun at the ready. I quickly grabbed her wrist stopping her before she could turn it. There was no way I was rushing us both into this. I needed to get them all out of here. Nisha didn't truly care about them she just needed them to have something over my head. Then a thought came to my head. What if she had something more valuable. 

Flashbacks of that night she had me in her grasp came rushing back but I quickly pushed them away. I wasn't going to let her get one up one me like that again. First though I needed to get the others to safety.

"Why?" I snapped out of thoughts and noticed that my grip was still on Jessica's tan wrist. She didn't try to pull out of my grasp but at the same time I could see the questioning look on her face. 

"We need a plan and I've got one. I don't know how much you're going to like it though." I looked around the room carefully the open window letting in a slight breeze. 

"What is it?" 

My eyes snapped back to her making sure I had her full attention. "My car is below this window. You know the layout to this house better than anyone. Climb out the window and unto the top of the roof and make your way over to their room. Then wait until I let you know it's clear." 

"Why what are you going to do?"

I grinned making sure my gun is loaded for what was probably the thousandth time that night. "I'm going to make a distraction. It shouldn't be that hard after all they'll probably forget all about you guys as soon as their eyes land on me." 

"Are you crazy?" She looked at me like I had grown two heads and maybe I had at this point who knew. "They will kill you." 

Pressing my ear up against the door once again I tried to listen, I needed to know how close to the door they were. After a few moments when I was satisfied they weren't near the door I turned back to Jessica. I didn't doubt her words one bit that they would try to kill me. 

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