Chapter Thirty- Five

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Change Your Thinking And You'll Change Your Life. 

Nerves are sometimes worse than fear. 

There wasn't a inch of fear racing through my body in this moment but nerves were a whole different story. I didn't know what was going to happen in the end or how this was going to turn out but we weren't left with much of a choice at the end of the day. There was no fear because I knew what I was attempting to do was the right thing. That didn't mean I wasn't nervous for what the outcome could hold if things didn't go out the way I planned. 

Everything my family had built over generations could be gone with the choices I make today. My father had always told me to trust my gut and in this moment it was telling me to do the right thing. The problem was I didn't know if it was the right thing for myself, or someone else. 

My hand ran over the steering wheel of my mustang, the engine roaring with life. It wasn't the quietest car but I didn't need it to be quiet I just needed it to be quick. Sitting here in the drivers seat helped, the calmness inside the car made me get my head on straight. Everyone had that one thing that was able to calm their racing heart. No matter how simple or how small there was something out there for everyone. Even if they didn't yet know it themselves. 

The passenger side door opened snapping me out of my thoughts. Riker got into the car his face emotionless yet serious. Day by day I watched him turn into the man he needed to be. Into a man that his father would be proud of, too one day hand over the family business too. That day seemed to be getting closer and closer with his father held up in a holding cell somewhere with no sign of escape or bail. 

Trust me I tried to get him out as well when I went to get Riker but the judge and the police weren't having any of it. They couldn't risk letting him out of their sight and no matter how much me or the lawyers argued there was no changing their minds. They said he was to valuable to let go. 

What they didn't realise was that their most valuable piece was the very teenager they let out that same day. Riker was going to be the one to run rings around them for decades to come and they would forever remember the day they let him just walk out those front doors. 

I seen it on Davis' face as Riker walked out, his head held high and an air of power surrounding him. How Riker had looked back at Davis with a stomach kicking grin, Riker knew he was getting away with it all. Bail or not they wouldn't find anything on him, his father would take the blame for everything. After all that's what that type of family would do for each other. The same way I was sure Riker would do the same if he had a son.

A few of their men had even came with me to escort Riker back to their base. I could see it in Davis' eyes as he watched Riker with that stone cold gaze of his. How Riker was greeted by every man who had come with me how they themselves didn't try and argue for Xavier. 

They already knew that there was a new King in this game they played and Agent Davis knew that better than anyone. He hadn't caught the man to end this families world and legacy. He had only caught the beginning and the end was walking right out of grasp. 

"You ready?" Riker's voice was low as he spoke his gaze looking out onto the blank distance. The world was still outside the light of the headlamps on the front of the car. For a moment I let myself believe that it was only the two of us. 

"Ready or not, it's happening." Looking over at his car that was right beside mine I noticed that it was still running even with no one in it. We needed to be ready to go at any moments notice. This was a race against time and we were running out of it quickly.

"No matter what happens to make sure to keep your face covered." This time he turned and looked at me his grey eyes dark under the moonlit sky. "I don't have a problem going down but you on the other hand have to much to throw away. You have your whole future to think about." 

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