Lesson Thirty-Seven

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Grow From The Dirt They Left You In. 

The house on the outside looked like any other normal average home around the area. It looked homely and well looked after with its well tended garden and freshly pained walls. If it wasn't for the bullets going off and the screeching of tyres in the background I would find the place inviting.

Stopping my car as close to the backdoor as I could get it I looked around carefully. I wasn't stupid I knew the place would be covered in guards. The problem was that there didn't seem to be any sign of them as I dared to get so closer. They were waiting for me to make the move first, a move I didn't quite know how to make, yet. Their plan was to let the others handle the outside and they were to deal with what happened the second I opened that door. 

I wouldn't be surprised if they were standing behind that door their guns drawn and all ready for me to push that wooden door open. 

I wouldn't stand a chance head on. There was to many of them this was the heart of the lions den. 

Needing help I started to look around me trying to see if I could catch the sight of my brother's car or even Riker's and Zane's. They were no where in sight and I wasn't surprised at that fact they were probably to busy getting chased down the same way I was only mere minutes ago. 

Riker though needed to lose their attention. He needed to hurry up and get here if this was to get any better. Maybe we would have a chance if there was two of us. A slim chance but a chance was there. 

As time ticked by I started to get more and more impatient. Glancing at the road and the house over and over again. My car was hidden under a massively overgrown tree at the sight of the house and I wasn't surprised none of the other cars had noticed me yet. 

Looking up at the branches I seen that they seemed to lead all the way up to one of the windows. It looked strong enough to hold my weight plus more and that was when the idea popped into my head. 

It wasn't one of my best ideas that for sure but it was a idea none the less. 

"I'm probably going to regret this." I sighed out as I looked around once more before unlocking my car. 

Not being able to reach the lowest branch from the ground I climbed on top of my car.  I cringed at the sound of the creaking under my weight as I climbed on top of the car. I had put in so much work into this car that it was basically killing me to be standing on top of it. Right now wasn't the time to have internal struggles like this, but it was a struggle. A big one if I was honest. 

"I'm pretty sure my grandfather is cursing me from his grave right now. Just as he should be." I flinched at the thought of the man who I had only known for a short period of my life swearing at me for treating a car such a way. 

Reaching up to the branch I pulled myself up easily balancing on the branch in a crouched position. I pulled myself onto another branch and another until I was a few feet away from the window. 

There was a risk for this next part, a big risk. There could be guards standing on the other side of the window watching and waiting right now. If I was really lucky there could be Jessica and Emily in there. 

Let's be honest here I might be set to inherit a billion dollar Empire but I wasn't that lucky.  

 Pulling out one of my guns that were hidden in my waist band under my black hoody I clicked off the safety. After making sure it was ready to go I took a deep breath starting to edge closer to the window all while making sure to keep my nerves and my balance. 

Under the pitch of night I was hoping that if there was anyone in their that they couldn't notice what was going on. It was my only chance if there was. 

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