Lesson Forty

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You My Child Have An Angel Face But A Devils Thoughts. 

My head was pounding but I needed to keep my focus. I couldn't let myself lose conscious right now, not in this situation. Last time I had lost conscious around these people I found myself trapped in a burning car. There was no way I could let something like that happen again.

The dull lights above me weren't making my throbbing head any better but it wasn't like I could do anything about the situation. My hands were tied behind me as I sat on the old wooden chair, every time I moved slightly to try and get more comfortable it made a horrible squeaking sound.

There was two guards standing at the door watching me carefully. It was like they were waiting for me to make a bolt towards the door which was impossible right now. My legs after all were tied together as well.

I threw my head back in annoyance. "Don't you guys ever get sick of seeing me? Cause I sure as hell know I'm sick of seeing your ugly faces."

"You have no idea." Grumbled out one of the men making me grin and looking back down at them.

"So why am I not dead? Cause judging from the last time we met you didn't wait around to try and kill me. Plus I'm pretty sure Nisha wants nothing more than to have my head on a pike at this point."

My voice seemed to echo in my head as I spoke a clear sign of the damage they had done when they hit me with what ever it was. I was starting to guess it was the back of a gun. It would only be fair after all I did that trick to one of their guys first.

Silence seemed to follow with either of them answering my question, not that I was expecting them to in the first place. I scoffed when I looked at the man that had spoken to me when I noticed a nice red mark starting to form around his eye. I had elbowed him in the face when he had grabbed me from behind earlier.

"Fine don't talk." I sighed in irritation shifting in my seat once more. I was trying to keep the feeling in my arms and legs. I needed to be ready to go at any moments notice. "I was only trying to make conversation to pass the time."

"Will you shut up." Growled out the other man. He was slightly older than the other one with grey starting to spurt out from his otherwise dark hair. His features were stiff and emotionless well apart from his clear annoyance directed at me.

"Wait....." Looking at him carefully I noticed something. "Aren't you the one I slammed the door on?"

The man went to lunge for me and I couldn't help but let out a laugh as the younger man quickly grabbed him by the arms. It took him everything he had to stop the man from reaching me. I knew I should've been terrified at the sight of him swearing and calling me everything under the sun but I couldn't be. They had already let their game slip. They needed me alive for what ever business was about to go down.

"I'm going to kill you, you little bitch!"

"Yea, yea get in line." Sometimes I thought I had a death wish and this was one of those moments that even I couldn't believe how much I was pushing my luck right now.

I needed to cool it. Just because they couldn't kill me didn't mean they couldn't put me in my place.

The sound of the knocking on the door made the two men stop in their tracks. It also made my body freeze, something wasn't right. I could sense it, the way the atmosphere changed told me something was wrong and I didn't know if it was for me or them.

I pulled against the tape on my hands trying to loosen them a bit but of course that wasn't going to happen. I could feel the nerves rising in my stomach and I felt sick. Dealing with these two idiots in the room was one thing but I knew there was far worse on the outside of that door.

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