Lesson Four

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Trust Your Instincts.

Something wasn't right I could sense it. If anything these past nine months have taught me, it was never get to comfortable when a day has went alright. Some how the world will remember, it needs to fuck you over.

I was currently in bed with my eyes closed. I had been trying to sleep for probably the last hour but I've done nothing but toss and turn. My instincts always knew before my head did. There was something not right and nothing was going to ease my mind.

Shooting up in my bed and looking at my phone for what was probably for the thousandth time, I could clearly see I still had no messages. If something was wrong one of the guys would've texted me to let me know. I kept telling my mind that over and over again but even then it did no good. Someone was in danger and I didn't know who or from what.

Setting my phone back down again on the bed I turned over on my side to try and sleep once more. After a few minutes I let out a frustrated sigh and sat up straight. My body was to awake to even try and sleep at this stage. There was no chance of sleep coming tonight so I just needed to accept my fate.

Getting up from my bed I started to make my way towards my door making sure to bring my phone with me. I needed to get a glass of water or something, anything to try and calm what I was feeling. My father's words rang as clear as day through my head though. Always trust your instincts.

Noticing how some of the guards were giving me weird looks as I made my way to the kitchen, I paid no attention to them. I decided to text some of the guys from both Riker's and Zane's gangs. Maybe responses from some of them to let me know everything was ok would settle my mind. Looking at the clock though I noted how most of them were probably asleep or past out somewhere off their heads.

Getting a bottle of water from the fridge my phone started to light up from people texting me back. I had three responses but one of them really caught my eye. Zoe's text. She was from Riker's gang and was one of the smartest people I had ever met when it came to technology. She could hack into everything was even amazing with building cars. I had met her for the first time when I raced for Riker. Everything back then seemed so long ago. Me and her had come close in the last few months and had helped me keep an eye out over the boys.

- He's here -

That sentence had made me quickly put down the bottle of water and look at the message properly. None of the other texts were like that. They all said they were fine, telling me that what ever the problem was it was with her. I knew my instincts were right. I would never doubt them.

Quickly making my way back up the stairs I tried to look as natural as possible for the guards. I didn't want them to be alerted to my thoughts. If they thought something was up they would alert my father. He was already on edge with how deep I was in this world already.

Walking into my twin brothers room I used the light on my phone as a guide to his bed. I could see him fast asleep, snoring away. What I wasn't expecting though was to see my best friend lying beside him.

A small smirk of amusement crossed my features at the sight of Sky's head rested on my brothers chest. Her normally perfect blonde hair was all over the place and it made her look more human. There was a conversation coming tomorrow that was for sure but I had more pressing matter right now.

Leaning over to shake my brothers shoulder I was careful not to wake my best friend. Years of being friends I knew she was heavy sleeper anyway but I wasn't going to take the chance.

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