Lesson Forty-Three

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Being Positive In A Negative Situation Is Not Naive. It's Leadership. 

"How many weapons do you have in this car?" 

Jessica looked more and more amazed as she pulled out gun after gun. My car was designed to hide things after all, I always had to think about the type of situations I could get into. More so ones that I had planned.

"Are Emily and the kids at the plane?" I flinched as another bullet hit the back of my car. I swear to God if these guys took out another one of my cars there would be hell to pay. 

"Yea Emily and her son seem to be pretty shaken though but that's not a surprise. They were just thrown into the whole mess without a thought." Jessica then glanced at me as she clicked the safety off on one of the guns. "She tells me Ashton is your brother's son. Is that true?"

"Yea, it's a long story though but basically the world doesn't know who that little boy is." Then my thoughts went to Jessica's own kids. I snapped out of it quickly I couldn't afford letting my thoughts go else were right now. "What about yours are they alright?" 

"Kai and Evie? Shaken up but nothing like Emily and her kid. Kai and Evie have a bit more experience with this shit but they're good kids they'll try and hide it. They know I'll do anything to protect them. Plus I think they were reassured a bit when they seen Riker earlier. They might not remember him but they know what he represents in this fucked up family of ours." 

"They know what Riker is all about?" I asked slightly surprised I had always thought the main reason Jessica got away with her kids was to make sure they didn't fall into the same life. 

"Of course they know if anything was to ever happen to me to find Riker." She then looked at me once more. "I didn't leave out of choice, I had to. I was married to someone who was in the heart of this world as well. When they died I had to get out of there because they were on the hunt for me and my kids. So I left without a trace, I didn't tell anyway cause I knew it would be safer. How wrong was I about that." 

"When you said was married...." 

"He's dead. Died in a shoot out." I could tell by her voice she didn't want to talk about it anymore. I get why she did what she did and I couldn't blame her for it. I probably would've done the same in her shoes. 

Just listening and watching Jessica told me all I needed to know about her. She was strong, stronger than I could ever imagined. How she carried herself and how she spoke, like she had no lack of confidence in her. It would take a lot to break this woman that was for sure and I was sure she was raising her kids to be just the same. 

In that moment I knew there was something I respected a lot about in this woman and judging from how Riker used to talk about her he held her in high regard too. 

"What I want to know is how they knew you were coming." Jessica looked out the back window over her shoulder. "Because they basically had an army waiting for you. When I first met Emily I over heard them talking about the preparations for your arrival. Looks like you had a rat in your ranks." 

"I already know who it was." I remarked and it was the truth. I knew how they had found out, when I was locked in that room I had enough time to think after all. "Trust me when I say I'll be dealing with that when I get home." 

Jessica studied me for a moment, trying to judge what was going through my mind. My eyes though were focused solely on the road ahead of me there was twenty miles to go and this was when the fun would start. 

Hearing a phone ring I watched as Jessica put it on speaker. The voice coming through the speakers instantly put a smile to my face. There was always something that calmed my mind when I heard my brothers voice.

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