Lesson Eleven

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Be Yourself And Don't Say Sorry For It.

Riker seemed to be only one obstacle I had today and school hadn't even started yet. I was expecting this one though. Facing up to Mr Davis was the reason I was so excited to get to this hell hole to start with. One was battle down, one more to go.

"Miss Anderson." He greeted with a sharpness in his tone. I could see how he was trying to keep things professional as a principal but it very clear that he wanted to nothing but put my head through a wall. Dramatic I know but it was honestly what it looked like.

I'm pretty sure there was a long list of people that wished to do that to me though. So he needed to get in line.

"Mr Davis." I greeted making my voice as sweet as possible. Sometimes it was good to have a innocent best friend. You could then master how to act nice so easily. "Can I ask why I was called in here this morning. I should really start getting to class. Don't want another mark on my record that is already so low."

I was playing with fire and I loved it. I could see how the anger in eyes worsened as I spoke about my record. We both knew fine righty what had happened but I wanted to see how I could play this.

"We both know what happened with those records Miss Anderson." He spat out my name like it was a curse which just made me grin more. This man had no idea who he was dealing with, but he was learning quick. That was for sure.

I gasped giving my vest shocked expression. "So those news articles are true?" I then leaned forward in my chair acting like there was some big secret between the two of us. "Who do you think could've done such a thing?"

"Let's cut the bullshit, Miss Anderson."

"Are you allowed to speak me like that with your position?" My nice act was cut sort in response. If he wanted to play with fire he was about to get burned.

"We both know this is more personal than professional. So let's sort this out like adults then."

"I'm all ears." Leaning back in my seat to get more comfortable, I let him know I was all for listening to what he had to say. I wasn't past making deals and if there was a way for use to stay out of each other's ways and get on with our lives I would listen. I respected the man in the sense that he knew how to get things and done. Even I was willing to admit he would do good in this school. He needed to stay out of my way though. I wasn't like the other students in this place. I had a high future that no one could predict but me.

"What is you want?"

A smirk covered my lips and for a moment felt like Riker. Someone who had the authority about them to get what they wanted without a second move in the game.

"It's simply really, I just want you back off. I don't give a shit what you do to the others but I need you to stay out of my business and how I do things. In turn I will stay out of yours and even praise you when it's needed. In fact I'm pretty sure I can change the public's opinion of you, with all this bad publicity you seem to be getting."

He dark eyes narrowed at me, he was trying to keep his cool and what ever he had left of his dignity.

"The only reason I have all this bad publicity is because of you. If it wasn't for you this school would be under control. You seem to have a personality that the students just seem to attract to."

In that moment I knew what he wanted. "Then I'll make them listen to you. But you have to stay out of my business." He must have seen the promise in my eyes because as silence fell between us for a moment I could see the conflict in his own. "So, do we have a deal?"

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