Lesson Nineteen

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Kill them with success and bury them with a smile. 

"Turns out those men were working for Nisha Brooks."

Xavier Kennedy walked into the kitchen where I had been sitting eating with my mother. It was currently three in the morning and I had noticed how hungry I was until she made me something. I couldn't even remember the last time I had ate. So much had been going on.

At the sound of Nisha's name though I could see my mother freeze up in the chair next to me. It was clear to see that it was a touchy subject when it came to her. Not that I blamed her, from what I could see that woman had rained mayhem on my mother's life. I could see how she shifted in her seat not wanting to be in the room during this conversation but as a mother she wanted to stick around. I didn't mind though, she could go. This woman was my problem now not hers.

I rested my hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm glance. I could see how her eyes softened when they clashed with my own. I was telling her to go and that I understood that she needed to leave this conversation. Giving me a quick hug she stood from her seat and walked out of the room not even sending a glance at her husband. She kept her eyes to the floor as she walked out not bothering to even say goodnight to him. This made me frown, maybe my mother wasn't as comfortable in this life as I first thought.

Once my mother was out of sight I spoke up. The softness that were in my eyes at the presence of my mother were long gone. There was nothing but seriousness as I looked at the man who stood in front of me. He was going to blame me for this trouble, I could already sense it.

"Did you get ahold of Riker?"

"No but some of my men found him and rang me. He's apparently on his way back now."

Xavier walked over to the countertop and sat across from me. We kept eye contact the whole time and he wanted to see if I would back down. There was no one in hell I would do such a thing, believe it or not some of the business men that I had worked with for my father were far more scary. There was a different vibe about him though, there was no empty promises or threats when it came to this man. He knew how to get shit down and right now he was trying to work out if I was good or bad. Even I didn't know the answer to that.

"She's starting to make her move then."

"If you hadn't have stood up to her the last time you crossed paths we might not be in this situation that we are in now."

I looked at him like he had a screw lose even he couldn't believe that sentence that had just come out of his mouth. "This woman had announced war in this City before she had even seen or found out about me." It was then my turn to give him a pointed look. "She seems to have something against this City."

This cloud grey eyes of his studied me carefully. He was weighing up his options one at a time.

"You know child, from everything I have heard and seen about you, you are either wildly naïve, or dangerously intelligent."

He couldn't figure me out that's what I loved about this situation. I could see the annoyance written all over him. From how his hands tensed and untensed themselves, from how he squared his shoulders wanting to look like the biggest person in the room. I could see it written all over his face how in his forty years he had never come across a person like me. A person he couldn't read, someone who was more than half his age.

"First of all, I'm not a child. I'm probably the smartest person you know. That's not me being big headed or overconfident. I know who I am and I know who are. Cause I know who people are before I come face to face with them cause that's the type of person I am. I sit back watch, listen and observe before I make any moves. That's how I will always be three steps ahead."

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