Lesson Twenty-Three

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A Woman Who Knows What She Brings To The Table Is Not Afraid To Eat Alone.

I could remember the days when I thought that Anarchy was just any normal nightclub on the wrong side of town. Little did I know it was owned by Ace Kennedy and one of the bases to their 'family business'. I knew better now though and I knew I was never going to look at the place the same way again.

It was ten in the morning and only the front part of the building was open. A small bar that seemed to be open to the locals even though it was so early. Now knowing better though I knew that every single person in this building worked for the Kennedy family in some shape or form. So I wasn't surprised at all when I walked through the front doors of the building to find them all looking at me like I had two heads. It didn't take them long though before they snapped out of their shock of someone else walking in here to register that it was just me.

While Riker was away I had come here often to help keep on top of their 'jobs'. While I was techinally in charge I didn't really care what they did at the end of the day. As long as they kept the peace with Zane's crew and didn't cause two much trouble for the City they could've done what ever they wanted.

Now standing here though I noticed that there was something in their eyes when they looked at me. Respect.

I had no idea when I had earned such a thing from such people but I knew it was something that would come in handy in the future. I needed that respect right now from people like them if I was to stay on their side. Not that it would be hard. There boss was Riker Kennedy and in honesty that was all the power I probably really needed over them respect or not. Respect though was something I would take any day.

I'm one of those people that could hate you but could still respect you and what you do. There is a big difference between respecting someone and liking them. I had learnt that a long time ago when it came to the world I lived in.

"Riker is in the office." It was the man behind the bar who had spoken up. He looked to be in his late thirties, his eyes told me that he had seen more than his far share of shit in the world.

Nodding his way I started to make my way towards the back of the club knowing where I was going like the back of my hand. The place looked completely different in the day light but I didn't really have time to study it but one thing did stick out to me. The smell of alcohol was everywhere, almost like it was burnt into the very foundation of the building. That was to be expected though.

Not even bothering to knock I made my way into the office and seen Riker sitting at the desk, looking over some paperwork. For a moment my breath was caught in my throat as I looked at him.

He didn't look like some common eighteen year old that was for sure. His maturity was well past that of the others that we had grown up with. He looked like a man that was ready to take on the world. In that moment I realised he was a lot more like me than I cared to admit. That moment of looking at him had brought me back to last night. When I was looking down at all the other High Socity kids and watching how uncomfortable and on the spot they looked. Riker though knew what he was doing, he knew what he was looking at and he looked ready to take over his families business.

For the first time I truly took him in for what he was. A future that I didn't know if was going to make or break me. A dangerous future.

"Most people knock before walking in."

Snapping out of my thoughts his eyes clashed with my own as he long forgot about the paperwork as he sat it down on the table once again. His eyes were basically asking me what I was doing here.

"If you didn't want me here I wouldn't be here. Your men wouldn't have even let me through the front door otherwise."

A smirk crossed his handsome features. "My men seem to like you, I don't think they would stop you from doing what you want even if I told them to. Don't know what happened while I was gone but you seem to have done the impossible by making them trust an outsider."

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