Lesson Thirty

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You Got A Dream? You Got To Protect It. 

Over the next week I had been coming up with a plan. A plan to get Jessica and Emily out of the hands of Nisha Brooks. The problem was I was defiantly not going to be able to do it myself. My brain had been coming up with loads of scenarios with different situations. Nothing was jumping out at me to even attempt it though, nothing that was a sure way of making sure everyone got out safe. 

Maybe that was the problem, maybe I was just going to have to take a risk of getting people hurt. That was a risk I didn't know if I could take. I had already went through so much with that woman I couldn't make someone else go through the same thing. 

As I drove my Mustang home though my mind started to think in a different way. I knew I didn't want to take that risk but these two people weren't for me. They were Riker's sister and Hayden ex girlfriend and his son. They would do anything to get them back if they knew what situation they were in. Maybe it was time to tell them and let them take charge. They were the ones that knew best what risks needed to be taken and frankly if they thought the risk was worth it then there was no doubt I would go along with them. 

It just meant I had to come face to face with that woman again. The woman who had tried to have me killed. 

My mind was made up though as quickly as it came and I U turned my car and started to make my way towards Riker's house. He needed to know first. If I was to tell Hayden he would fly to London himself to get Emily out of there and I couldn't risk that. At least I knew Riker would be simi level headed about the situation. 

I hoped. 

Pulling up to the gates of Riker's mansion I could clearly see the gates were closed. That had caught me off guard as the gates to his home were normally wide open. With guards everywhere and with the time of family he lived in they had no fear of someone breaking into their grounds. The world knew what they were even if they didn't know the full story. 

Pressing the button on the intercom I waited for a few seconds but there was no answer. In fact looking at the place once more the place looked like it was completely abandoned. There was no sign of any guards and frankly there wasn't even an atmosphere about the place. There was clearly nothing there anymore. 

Pulling out my phone I rang Riker's number waiting for him to pick up. I was about ready to hang up the phone when he finally answered. For someone who normally has there phone on them all the time he sure took his time.

"Yea?" Came his response. He sounded sleepy like I had just woken him up. 

"Don't yea me. Want to tell me why your house is basically empty?" 

It seemed to take him a few minutes before my question even registered in his brain. "My dad is away back to London again and the guys and I moved into one of our bases. Seeing as Nisha knows so much about us all we thought it best to go underground for a while." 

What he was saying was the truth it would be best to try and stay out of sight of Nisha for a while.

"Would've been nice to be told." I started up my car once again ready to go to where ever it was that he was hiding himself. 

"Awk does the Princess not like not being in the know?" I could here to cheekiness in his voice as he spoke and I couldn't help but roll my eyes but there was a grin of my own on my face. 

"No the Princess does not so hurry up and tell me where you." 

"Fine but just so you know I'm going back to sleep so save your problems till I'm awake. I was up all night dealing with a few things." 

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