Lesson Seven

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Eyes Talk.

"How's the leg." Standing in the lunch line I looked to my left to see that Damon was standing there was a look of sympathy on his face. He wanted something that was for sure. My twin brother wouldn't go out of his way to ask me how I was feeling.

Hearing someone clear their throat from behind Damon my attention turned to face a short girl with glasses. She was giving my brother an annoyed look but with her height and a cute childlike face she looked like nothing more than a pissed toddler.

"Do you mind? The back of the line is that way." She pointed behind her, never taking her light brown eyes off my brother. I gave it to the girl, she had some bravery in her to stand up to my brother. Not many people in this school would do that. Everyone knew our name in this place, there wasn't one day that went by that the school wasn't whispering something about us.

"Oh it's OK." Reassured Damon as he grinned at the girl with a look that normally got all the girls in the school to fall for him. I could't help roll my eyes at my brother as I grabbed some food. "She's my twin sister, I'm just talking to her."

"I don't care who she is. Back of line buddy." Her tone was demanding and leaving no room for argument. Choking back a laugh I gave my brother a pointed look and waved him away along with the rest of the student body that was in the line. In a matter of seconds this girl had gotten everyone to follow her lead and put Damon back in his place. I liked this girl.

My brothers gaze turned from a boyish charm to a angry bear in a matter of seconds. I don't think my brother had ever been told of like this by a girl other than myself. Even Sky let him get away with murder. Probably literally on that one too.

"Look here-"

"Damon." Cutting him off and giving my twin brother a pointed look. School wasn't the place for him to show the world his ugly side. As much as I loved my brother he was to used to getting his own way when he broke the rules. "Just go to the back of the line if your getting food. If not I'll talk to you later."

Damon gave the girl one final hard look before stalking away with a huff in his step. I rolled my eyes at his childishness as he pushed past one of the teachers without so much as a sorry. The teacher looked like they wanted to say something but even they weren't going to risk getting on my brothers bad side for fear of my father.

That was slowly starting to change though I had noticed more and more over the last few days. It was because of our new Principle and I still didn't know how I felt about that. Control of this place was what let us get away with everything and that power was slowly being stripped away from us day by day. It was a matter of question which one of us would crack first.

"Miss Anderson."

Looking up from paying for my food I seen the one person that was starting to make my life a living hell. Mr Davis. His arms were crossed and he looked at me like a father would to their child when they were about to get in trouble. The difference was, I didn't care for what ever he was about to say.

"What?" I didn't even bother trying to be polite in my tone as I picked up my tray of food.

"It is the first week of school and your teachers have just formed me that you had skipped Wednesday. Not only that but you've been late for at least seven of your classes throughout the week."

If he was to look through my records he would see that I had a tendency to do this. Something in his eyes told me he knew this already. He knew every single thing in my file and he was about to us it against me.

I had skipped Wednesday because of the fight I had ended up in the night before. My body wasn't in the place to go to school so I spent my whole nursing my wounds. As for the classes I skipped there was actually mostly reasons I did that. If it was from doing jobs for Riker's men it was doing favours for Zane's. I was balancing myself between everything at the moment. It wasn't like I was going to tell this man that though.

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