Lesson Thirteen

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Rich People Plan For Three Generations. Poor People Plan For Saturday Night.

I always knew I didn't like this woman. With her natural strawberry blonde hair and baby blues eyes. Maybe I was a bit envious of her good looks but that didn't mean I couldn't hate her for other reasons. Like how the fact she was messing around with my brothers life, or the fact that this isn't the first time she had butted into my life. This woman needed to piss off.

She wrapped her arms around my brothers who looked like he was trying to free himself without being rude. Of course he was being nice, Hayden was always nice to women. It was how the boys were raised by my father after all. Our father though didn't raise me the same way, he raised me to be a Queen of this world we lived. So I wouldn't be going down the same way my brother did.

"I think my brother would like his arm back. He kind of needs it in one piece to play for his team."

Holly's eyes narrowed slightly at my remark but she was quick to cover it up. In fact if I wasn't watching her carefully I wouldn't have noticed it at all. Her whole expression was fake but what else did I expect from a woman who basically got paid to act for the news. Two could play at this game but I wasn't going to play by her rules. I never played fair.

"Lyra Anderson. Some of the others told me you landed in San Francisco not that long ago. What are you doing here?" I seen Hayden look at her from the corner of his eye. He was warning her, but it was a warning that she was ignoring. She was playing my game now.

"You know just visiting my brother and his new play thing. Though you're not as pretty as the last one and at least I could get a good laugh from her."

To say her expression was one of shock would be a understatement. If this girl thought I was going to play nice just because of her position with the media she had another thing coming. I didn't care what the world thought of me, she could drag my name through the mud all she wanted. Plus in my line of business, bad publicity showed power and I was going to be the most powerful one of them all.

"Lyra." Warned Hayden but there was no threat in his tone. He was trying to keep his face neutral but I could see the corner of his lips turning up every few seconds. My brother wouldn't be a actor that was for sure.

"I knew that sweet girl attitude was all an act at that interview last year." Holly glanced at my brother almost like she wanted him to agree. This woman must be joking.

I sent her a grin and shrugged my shoulders. "Of course it was all an act. You put me in that position to begin with. I take it back maybe you are a good laugh because it's a joke if you think I would ever be nice to someone like you. Who's job it is to try and find the secrets of people like me and brother and put them out there for the whole world to see." 

"It's the truth. The world deserves to know everything about your family."

There was the classic line from every person in the line of her job I've ever met.

"Then I guess my brother deserves to know what your dirty little secrets are, Holly."

She let go of my brothers arm and took a step closer to me. She might be slightly older and taller but I didn't care. If she wasn't going to show me respect I wasn't going to fucking show her any.

"What are you talking about?" She was only standing a foot away but I could see the panic in her eyes. Looking over her shoulder and completely ignoring Holly, I looked at my brother. "Here did you know that Holly is a cousin of your ex Emily?"

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