Lesson Twenty

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Don't Regret The Past, Learn From It.

Situations in my life had shown me a long time ago that I was a lot more mature than most people my age. I had always put it down to being the youngest in my family and having to grow up quick. In reality it was probably because I was Heir to a multi billion dollar company that was soon to be mine. I had to grow up quick, learn everything step by step to make sure not only did the company keep going but to make it thrive.

So standing here at my 18th birthday looking down over the railing at the top of the stairs I could see how much more mature I actually was. I could see teenagers my age with their High Society parents trying to fit in, trying to hold themselves high to not look so young. They were failing.

I could see how they shifted uncomfortably as their parents talked about business to each other. How they tried to provide a input but not actually knowing what was being said or talked about in detail. I could see how their parents tried to talk them up like they were the next big thing when in reality half off them were probably struggling to get the grades to even graduate.

This was the generation I would be competing with when the time came for us to take over. Quite frankly I wasn't worried if this was my competition.

"Should you not be down there?"

Turning my head I looked at my dad as he made his way up the steps to met me at the railing. He was wearing a very expensive looking suit that I was pretty sure cost more than the average house. There was a whiskey glass in his hand and I smirked at the sight.

"You already on the hard stuff dad? I didn't think they annoyed you that much."

My father stood beside me downing the rest of his drink before passing the empty glass to a passing waiter.

"I have some of the wealthiest families in my home right now and I've already grown sick of them. We might be on friendly grounds tonight but tomorrow they'll all be back to backstabbing and betraying by morning."

"I'm used to that world already, it's basically an adult version of high school."

My fathers let out a hearty laugh as he leaned on the railing looking down below us. "I guess you're right on that one you never really do truly leave if I'm honest."

"Dad can I ask you something?" I don't know what had came over me to ask this question in the first place but I wanted to know.

My fathers eyes snapped in my direction and all of sudden his full attention was on me. Maybe it just shocked him that I had called him dad for once. "Of course sweetheart, what is it?"

"Do you think I'm going down the right path?" I gave him a slightly worried look for the corner of my eye but quickly stood up straight and covered it up. I don't know what had came over me but it was something that had been eating on my mind for a while. I had been doing what other people needed me to do but I didn't know if I was sacrificing the family Empire to that.

The family business should be my top priority but I've been thrown around in other people's world that it's kind of taken a backseat. That's not what should be happening because this business is what's going to keep me on top.

"I think you just need to balance your own life and future before others but no I don't think your going down the wrong path."

"But Riker's family isn't-"

"I know what Riker's family does." Spoke my father cutting me off. "I know the life your mother has managed to get herself into but you're not like her and you're not like me. If you want to get involved in the Kennedy family then that is fine. Just make sure there is something in it for you, cause at the end of the day you shouldn't be doing anything in this world for free."

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