Lesson Twenty-Five

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Sometimes Life Teaches Us The Hardest Lessons At The End.

Warmth and coldness was happening all at once inside my body. It was a feeling I had never came across before. The sound of the gunshot was still ringing through my ears and for a moment I kept thinking it was on repeat. How the sound had made the world fall silent with all eyes on me. My body was in shock at the sound, almost like it was enough to send my body over the edge. The problem was though, that bullet that had been fired had hit its mark.

I had been shot.

At first I couldn't even feel where I had been hit, my body was just reacting out of natural reactions. I didn't dare to look down knowing that once I did the reality of the situation would hit me full fold. I kept my eyes focused on Nisha she was looking me dead in the eye and I didn't dare look away. I couldn't let her know how much shock my body was going through, I didn't want her to know the pain that she was putting me through. I couldn't let her see how much this was effecting me.

"Should we send a nice picture to Xavier's son? Or how about your brother?"

My words were stuck in my throat again as she spoke of Riker and Damon. If they came here I knew they would be walking into a trap and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let them risk their lives trying to save mine. I couldn't let her do the same to them that she was already doing to me.

My brother would start a war just to save my life and he would make sure this woman paid for what she had done even if that meant letting himself get killed and I couldn't let that happen. Riker on the other had would raise hell to find this woman in front of me to make her pay. That was also something I couldn't let happen. I couldn't let these boys risk everything for me.

"Maybe we should send one to that ex boyfriend of yours as well. Bring all three of them here."


So much had already been taken from him, if he seen me like this that would push him completely over the edge. This woman had already taken his parents away from him. He didn't have left and even though we weren't going out anymore I knew he still cared about me.

I needed to play this smart but I could feel my body start to shut down. My head was starting to spin and I raised my hand up pressing my it my forehead but there was something that caught my blurred sight. Blood. My blood, my hand had been rested against my stomach and for the first time I let my brain register where I had been shot.

There was so much of it on my hand, it looked like paint for a moment and I let myself believe that. I needed to trick my mind into seeing something else I couldn't let my mind shut down over the sight of it. My body though was having other ideas.

A deep harsh cough pasted through my lips and I fell to my knees in pain. It was a burning sensation passing through my throat as I felt the blood creeping its way up. The movement made my stomach turn and the pain hit me like something I had never felt before. I couldn't find any words to describe the pain I was feeling right now.

I had been shot before, that was nothing new to me. In that situation though it was the leg and that was nothing compared to what I am going through right now. It felt like I was being stabbed over and over again and there was no way of making it stop.

Panic started to make it's way through my system. I had no escape and there was no one coming for me. No one even knew where I was and frankly in this moment even I couldn't remember what part of the City I was in anymore.

Covering my mouth with my hand I kept coughing into it making my stomach tighten at the action. I make eye contact once more with Nisha and knew this wasn't all that she had in store for us. If I dies right here and right now she wasn't going to stop. There was more to come. I was just a wall that she had to hit head on and she had done just that. She had knocked down this wall.

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