A House in The Woods

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  I step out onto my porch with a tray that I set on the table facing where the sun rises every morning. I sit down and take my breakfast plate off the tray, a nice omelet made from ground red meat and home made cheese with veggies pulled from the garden yesterday. I set it down on the table then remove the filled tea pot from the tray and open the lid smelling the scent of the tea. Bergamont, vanilla and lavender greet my nose as I enjoy the first smell of my favorite tea. Placing it on the table I remove my mug from the tray and set it next to the tea pot along with a cold glass of water.

I cut into the perfectly cooked omelet and watch the cheese ooze out of it taking the first bite as the sun breaks the horizon. This morning the show is all dark reds and violets, bad weather? A raspy voice inside me asks, I shake my head knowing there isn't any weather coming my way. Yet I do hope it isn't something foreboding.

I hear a yowl as a large orange Tom cat jumps onto the railing and I grin at him, "hungry there Dang?" I call the cat Dang because he just showed up one day and scared my rabbits and the first thing out of my mouth was. "Dang you're a big Cat," the name stuck. I cut him a corner off of my breakfast and toss it to him, he catches it expertly of course. Then walks off to eat his food, I finish up my food before he can come back and ask for more.

I then take the small plate still on the tray, a small slice of cake. To finish my pot of tea with, as I watch the sun as it slowly makes it's way into the sky. I spot the full moon off to the North and Is end a silent prayer of thanks to the Moon Goddess for the glorious start to the day her partner gave me.

I slowly eat the piece of cake, a dark chocolate one that I had baked yesterday. I carefully slice it into small pieces to have with my morning tea every morning. It takes me about a week to go through half of one, a blue jay lands on a nearby pin oak and yells at me for being close to it's nest.

I never understand jay's, I keep out a bird feeder for my favorite song birds and the jays come by and make their homes then complain I'm near their homes. I inwardly shake my head as the raspy voice comments, have Dang eat them. That would be an interesting idea, if I could get him to just hunt the jays. We can try that later, and see what happens.

I finish the remains of my breakfast and I sprinkle the crumbs to the waiting sparrows, as I take the tray back inside my tiny house. I live on a few acres of land in the Ozarks, my mom left me the property when she died a few years ago. We had been living out of a crumbling shack that she had loved. Once she died I removed it and had a tiny house cabin brought in. I spent a lot more time that I liked in town when I was setting it up, yet now it was prefect. I had a nice full farmhouse sink in my 'kitchen', with a small wood burning stove for my cooking and winter heating. Dang always finds a way into the house in the winter, and sleeps under the stove almost the whole winter.

I have a nice double bed with a very thick feather bed topper on it, I love sinking into it with a book in the evening. I have a window at each of the cardinal directions, with my kitchen table at the eastern one. So I can always have my morning routine even in foul weather.

I do have a 'living room' of sorts, there's a TV in it. I do get satellite, both for internet and television. There is one recliner in the center of the 'living room' space facing the TV. On days with bad weather when I am done with my chores I sit and play games on it.

I set the tray on the counter placing the dirty dishes into the sink, removing the insert to my teapot first. I dump the used tea leaves into a small bucket with the leftover veggie bits from my breakfast then I take it and head back outside. I walk around my house, which is nestled in a forest with my driveway being the only road in. Any 'deliveries' are left in a box by the road that has a lock inside it. If something is left when the lid closes a buzzer rings inside my house, if I don't turn off the buzzer in five minutes it gets louder. That's in case I am outside working.

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