Chapter 2 : New friends

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Beverly joined the other students who wrote their names on the list of death. The man gave them a paper with the name of the two persons they were going to take care. Bev had Melissa and Jane. She looked around, everyone seemed to have their partners, more or less happy, when she noticed two girls still sat on the bench of the first row.

There was a tall and muscular black girl with long and purple braids, a black jacket, a black sweatshirt, dark green pants and black Converse with a black backpack with pins on it, next to a smaller girl, but not that small, with her hair back, a jacket in an unknown material, maybe cotton, a black tee-shirt with holes, a black bandana on her left wrist, dark blue jeans, white socks, the right one above her jeans and white dirty shoes with a khaki backpack with pins on it too. They were murmuring things while looking at her. She took a deep breath and walked to them.

- Hi, you are certainly Melissa and Jane, right? smiled the redhead.

Melissa and Jane took a moment to look at her from the top to the bottom before slowly nodding.

- Um (holds out her hand) I'm Beverly Marsh.

The two girls looked at the hand before looking up again. Beverly took back her hand and felt more the embarrassment inside her.

- So, you are Jane, right? (the unknown jacket nods) So you are Melissa. Great. Um...welcome to our High School, I really hope you will feel good in this place.

- You believe it? asked sharply Melissa.

- Believe what? frowned Bev, becoming red.

- You really hope we will feel good here?

- Um...of course, I mean, everyone deserves a chance...

- Even people like us? intervened Jane with a cold tone.

- Uh...

- Ok, what do we do? cut Melissa.

- could...uh...

The two girls stood and approached her.

- Don't worry Miss Hills, we won't kill you, said Jane with a cold tone, hitting her shoulder with hers and going a bit further.

- Not today, whispered Melissa in her ear before joining her friend.

She heard the two girls laughing. Will was right, it was just more bullies. She just spent less than a minute with them and it was the longer and worst minute of her life! She turned again and saw the two girls with two cops and joined them.

- It's you the girl who show them the school? asked the chief.

- Yes, answered Bev with a shaking voice.

- Good, we are their tutors during their first months, I'm Chief Hopper, Jane's tutor and this is Lieutenant Davis, Melissa's tutor.

- You do the visit with us? asked Beverly with hope in her voice.

- No, we have some papers to take care, but I'm sure it will be alright.

The redhead was less sure than him. The two men let the three girls together in the gymnasium, while the others had already left the place.

-, well this is the gymnasium, we uh...we play especially basket-ball.

- Ouh basket-ball! exclaimed the black teen turning to her friend. You could play with them!

- Yeah, no thanks, you don't remember that we play with no rules!? With rules it's not funny.

- Just because you are very bad at it.

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