Chapter 16 : Day at home

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Two hours of bus. It was the time Max needed to see her mother and step-family. Family. She didn't know if she could call them like that, they had never been here for her, never. Leaving the house was the best thing that ever happened to her. Far from Neil, far from Billy and far from her mother, the dream! But today, she told her mother she would spend the day with them, what a good idea she had! It was just a day, she wasn't even going to sleep there, at 7 p.m., it was over. And it wasn't that bad, if she had to have a dinner with all of them, she had to get used to the ambience, to be prepared.

She arrived in front of her house. It was as sad and glaucous than when she came last time. When she thought about it, it had been a long time she hadn't seen them, it was certainly why she was a bit more relax. The two cars were here which meant that the two men were here too. Perfect. She slowly walked to the door, like if there was the Death behind it, and knocked. The wait between the knock and the footsteps approaching seemed endless and too short at the same time. Her heart was racing more as the sounds were becoming louder. The door finally opened, it was her mother behind.

- Hey, greeted Susan.

Max had a weak smile. Her mother took her in her arms, which was weird because she knew that Max didn't like hugs. The redhead gave some friendly taps on her mother's back to faint a hug but hoped it would last rapidly. Susan finally released her daughter who didn't know if she should smile or run away.

When she entered, Neil was at the kitchen's table, reading the newspaper while Billy was in his room, music loud. They apparently missed her as much as she missed them! What a warm welcome.

- Good morning Maxine, you make us the honor to spend the day with us? said Neil with an hypocrite smile meaning everything.

- Just a part, I have something tonight and I don't want to be late, lied the redhead.

- Well, we don't want to mess your busy schedule.

Max pouted like to apologize, even if she felt like she had nothing to reproach to herself, she was old enough to do what she wanted. But one thing was sure, it was going to be a long day, and Neil calling her Maxine wasn't making it easier. She kept walking to her room, ignoring the remarks of the man, and not wanting to see Billy for now. Nothing had changed, all she wanted was to hide for the rest of the day, to stay on her bed with her headphones on her ears to not be mentally here. When she closed her door, it was like she could breathe again. She felt the pressure decreasing and her heart calming. She sat on her bed, looking through her window. Damn, she didn't miss that place! Why did she accept to come back!? Even if it was just for one day, it was already too much. She put only one step and Neil found something to make her feel guilty. And she hadn't seen Billy for now, she wondered what he would find to make her feel like a piece of shit. Her moment of peace had been shorten by someone knocking at her door.

- Come in, told the redhead.

The door opened and her mother appeared.

- Lunch is ready, smiled the woman.

- I come.

She closed the door with a nod. Max sighed loudly with her nose, not ready for lunchtime. She would have preferred eating with Mike right now, the ambience would have been less embarrassing and heavy to support. She stood without thinking and walked to the kitchen, the food on the table. The three others were already sat, waiting for her like if it was her last judgement. She sat in this cold silence, Billy not even bothered looking at her, waiting for all this fake family to finish their illusion of the day.

- You don't salute your little sister Billy? asked Neil with a firm tone.

- Step-sister, answered Billy and Max at the same time.

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