Chapter 68 : Office

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When Joyce woke up, Jane was still on the couch, holding tight her Teddy bear against her torso, her eyes opened. The mother took a chair, and placed it next to the couch to sit. She put her hand on the young girl's head and lightly caressed her hair and cheek.

- How did you sleep? asked softly the mother.

- Good, answered Jane.

- No nightmares?

- No, it's been a while.

- That's great.

Joyce smiled to her but she could see that Jane was still sad, certainly because of what happened the day before.

- There much pain in her eyes...and all because of me...

- Jane, began softly Joyce. This is not because of you, this is because of everyone who thought a young girl like you could make it by her own.

- Like me?

- Yeah, a girl who never had a steady family, loving parents to raise you like you deserved, and all those things.

- you think it's over?

- With Max? Nah, someone who waited for you all this time can't stop every contacts like that. She just needs time, like you when you were in rehab. You needed time to think about all of this and for yourself, now it's her turn. You know, Max doesn't trust people easily, she doesn't have a really good family around her, you certainly noticed that, so she is the kind to think of all those situation by her own, not really talking to it with someone, she just do it alone, by herself. It can take some time.

Jane nodded. She could understand, she was the same, always handling everything alone, but Max was smarter than her, she wouldn't do something as stupid and disgusting as she did.

- I can wait.

Joyce warmly smiled to her. The Jane she had today was completely different of the Jane she had months ago. This one seemed in peace with herself, still doubting and having insecurities, but she was, at least, calm, less angry, and more opened to talk like she did.

- Do you wanna eat?

- Uh...maybe later. Can I use your bathroom?

- Of course, sweetie.

Joyce stood and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast, while Jane was taking a shower. Will woke up a bit later, sitting directly at his kitchen table, joined by Jane, now cleaned. The three were cut in their meal by knocks on the door. It was Hopper.

- Is Jane here? asked the man.

Joyce invited him to enter.

- Hi, said the man.

- Hey Jim, what's up? answered Jane.

- I think I found you something.

- Really!? Is it far!? With who!? Will I have to pay!?

- You'll have all your answers in my office.

- You can't tell me here!?

- No.

Jane sighed with her mouth. She quickly finished her breakfast before taking her bag, and following the man. She didn't know why he was so pressed and so happy, it seemed to be apparently a good place. At least, she wouldn't be a hobo anymore, it couldn't be bad, but she hoped it wasn't her aunt again, it would be the worst idea ever! They arrived at the police station, and Jane was still following him.

- I can know, now!? continued Jane.

- In my office.

Jane grumbled some inaudible things, not understanding why she wasn't allowed to know something which was concerning her. Hopper put his hand on the doorknob and looked at the young girl with a big smile.

- What!?

- You're ready?

- Can you stop and open this goddamn door!?

Hopper lightly chuckled and opened the door. Jane put only one foot inside and saw the unimaginable. A tall blonde girl with short hair was standing in front of her, but without handcuffs, or chains, or a horrible orange suit. She ran in her arms, too happy to see her.

- Tell me you're permanently free!

- Well, I think that's what the F on my wrist means, smiled Constance.

Jane felt the tears coming, and hid her face in her sister's shoulder to cry. Constance tightened the hug, as happy as her, if not more, finally having the chance they deserved. They stayed a moment like that, finally allowed to do it after all this years. When Constance broke the hug, Jane wiped her eyes, still not believing it.

- It means you have a place? sniffed Jane.

- Um, yeah, I mean, they sent me in jail for something I didn't do so...I have a financial compensation, and I found a flat near your school training. Animals are allowed, as I heard you have a cat and a dog, and, the bus station is in the street in front of the building, if you wanna come back near here to see your friends, and girlfriend.

- That's too perfect, it's gonna fail.

- What a good state of mind, lightly chuckled Constance.

- Yeah, sorry...I had hard times, and...

- It's fine, I know, and it won't happen again, ok?

- Yeah, ok. I'm so happy to see you.

Constance wrapped again her arms around her young sister. Jane began to sob more on her sister, cracking. She was thinking of all those things that happened all those years which shouldn't have happened. If they hadn't arrested her for a crime she didn't commit, Jane wouldn't have finished prostitute and addicted to everything, and Max wouldn't doubt so much on her and about her relation with her. Or maybe she would, she didn't know. Maybe Constance would have tried to kill their father, like Jane did, and Jane would have committed another crime and finished in jail. Maybe it was her fate. But now, the two girls were determined to make it, to finally live.

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